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Cadet Razors


my brain goes "thonk"
I went to shaveabuck.com today and saw the Cadet razors,they looked nice. I was wondering does anybody have one and how does it perform.
I went to shaveabuck.com today and saw the Cadet razors,they looked nice. I was wondering does anybody have one and how does it perform.

I have one under the RazoRock brand(I like their goods and service a lot) and I find it a good performer, not overly aggressive(I use Bolzano and Israeli Crystals), good weight that lets the head do the work and an all around good shaver for beginner or experienced shaver. TTO functions smoothly , finish is good, and good grip. So whats not to like about it? Nothing, and for $20 you won't go wrong with it. Enjoy!
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