For some reason( danged enablers on this site maybe??? ) I had the urge to try another open comb razor. I know some say the R41 is a not true OC and I simply love this razor but I wanted to try an OC that was a little less aggressive so I ordered the TP-26 from Bullgoose ( thank you Phil! ) and received it today.I was going back and forth between this one and Fat tip and I just liked the looks of this one more better
Maybe a fat tip in the future. Anyways, haven't seen a whole lot about this razor so here are my first impressions. I must say I am impressed by the looks of it. The fit and finish is almost flawless. I say almost because the handle is extremely loose when you first begin to thread it onto the head. Once you are about halfway it gets tight so I don't think it will be a problem. Thats all I can find wrong with it, that and the fact the stem on this thing is real long. So long I think it might limit how many aftermarket handles you will be able to use. My Tradere handle will thread but when it gets to the end it doesn't feel right so I stopped for fear of stripping the threads. I haven't decided if I will shave tomorrow or wait until Monday to give it a good break in and I will be sure to keep everybody posted on how it compares to the R41 with me. So much for the saving money idea of wet shaving. 
