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buying my first straight razor

I would suggest that you don't buy it on ebay.
Do the math how much it's going to cost you in total when you have it cleaned and honed and consider that at this point it may not even shave very well.

It always seemed better to get a finished product.

I wouldn't buy this one because even from the poor photos I can tell the hone wear is terrible. And you don't have the experience to tell major problems like this.

hope this helps.
keep an eye on the B/S/T here, you will be able to get an excellent shave ready straight at a good price. I would say definitely don't buy one from ebay without knowing who you are buying from.
Its more the fact that you can't see them properly to determine the condition of the blade, especially if you don't know what to look for and sellers often don't have any knowledge about the razors they are selling. The blade could be damaged or the scales could be. Ebay is also impersonal, people tend to sell any old rubbish without conscience. Where as on here folks do the right thing. Honestly keep checking on here they come up for sale everyday just about, or try PMing ambrose. Are you in the UK?
is it likely that many of these old razors they are selling on ebay are unhoneable?

Why would you try to shave with something that isn't shave ready? Its like shaving with your pocketknife.

Thats really what it comes down to. Whatever you buy, make sure it says shave ready and you trust the seller.
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