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Buying for a Buddy

I've decided to put together a kit for a friend this holiday season, but I'm not sure what type of brush to get him, nor am I set on soaps/creams.

I wanted to stay in the ~$20 price range for a brush, which is more than enough for a solid boar. I'm concerned, though, that the time that it takes a boar to dry will be problematic for him, as he'll be a daily shaver come January. Should I just go for a badger?

With regard to soaps/creams, his personality will dictate what I purchase. He's a plain type of guy. Doesn't even put ketchup/mustard/whatever on a burger. :blink: Unscented or lightly scented soaps/creams that are easy to lather are a priority. So far I've come up with KMF Unscented, and that's about it. I'd love to get him a soap, so I was thinking of Proraso White (haven't tried it, but Green is easy to lather), MWF (I hear it has a pleasant scent, but could be difficult to lather), and/or a couple of cheap sticks.

What are your thoughts, lads?
For a stick (or even a soap) I would suggest Tabac. It DOES have a scent but not an unpleasant one. On the plus side it is VERY easy to build a lather with.

A second cream you may want to look into is RS (Real Shaving Company). It is an English cream and the company that makes some of the more expensive British creams for other companies. The scent is VERY faint and you can find it locally (bed bath and beyond carries it)

You may want to take a look at the Vintage blades badger brushes. They have gotten some good press in here and are very close to your $20 +/- mark and won't require a break in period to start working like a brush should

You could try Mike's unscented, or Mystic Water unscented, both fantastic soaps.
With brushes, why not get him a synthetic such as Frank Shaving as it can not fail to produce a good lather.
Good luck.
Try a couple of shave sticks like you mentioned. Probably not Arko if you want mild scent, but maybe something in the Palmolive/Speick/La Toja range... inexpensive and easy to store too!
Bigalow shaving cream is good and cheap, and can be gotten at most bath and body shops. As for brushes, I don't see a problem with a good boar brush. I know people, including me, who have used the same boar brush (the only brush I owned) for years with no ill effects.
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