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buying a T&H brush in style 1, but which size

The size 1 is a good bet if you like scrubby brushes. The lofts start increasing afterwards so you will get a good brush but not as much resilience.
so i am going to buy a T&H style one brush but now have to figure out which size i want. what does everyone think

It would be easy for me to recommend what I would like to have, but that won't necessarily help you........ What other brushes have you used and enjoyed? What type of brush experience are you looking for? A little more information will allow us to help you make an informed decision.
my current brushes are a Berkley, and a colonel. and a custom super badger from rudy vey. i here so many things about this brush i want one, it was a toss up between the rooney/T&H and a EJ silvertip. then i found out about T&H bb discount and free shipping for 100$ spent
I'd say size one as the loft to bulb ratio is the lowest. I had a size two and found it to be a bit floppy for my tastes. I like bigger brushes, but in this case the size one makes the most sense to me.
The size 1 is a good bet if you like scrubby brushes. The lofts start increasing afterwards so you will get a good brush but not as much resilience.

Agreed! I have a comparable Rooney 1/2 and LOVE it for my soaps! Great brush!:thumbup1:
ok so far i am looking at size 2 as it seems to get alot of love on here. but i here great things about the 1/1
Not to mix things up (I LOVE my 1/2), but TESC has free shipping, so you may want to give an EJ Silvertip some more thought. :001_smile
I found the 1/1 to be nice but too small - awkwardly small to hold. Love the knot though. The 1/2 has a fantastic handle, but the loft is too long (for my preferences). But if you like large and soft knots this could wind up being your Shangri La. It's really fantastic - just not my cup of tea.

I can't imagine the 1/3 to be useful at all. It must be a big floppy mess, at least in super, don't know about best. So... I dunno. That's my two cents. The best Rooney I've tried is the 3/1 in super. Wonderful knot with a nice ergonomic handle.
my current brushes are a Berkley, and a colonel. and a custom super badger from rudy vey. i here so many things about this brush i want one, it was a toss up between the rooney/T&H and a EJ silvertip. then i found out about T&H bb discount and free shipping for 100$ spent

I have a bunch of brushes and a T&H Rooney 1/2 is in the collection. It is a great brush and does a good job on soaps and creams. After buying a couple of slightly smaller Simpson's brushes, I stopped using my Rooney on soaps until earlier this month when as part of the Cade Challenge I have rotated all of my brushes and I am only using a puck of Cade soap. My Rooney 1/2 was a great performer.
I've tried both the 1/1 and 1/2 from T&H, and I still can't decide. I like a smaller brush, but the 1/1 is kinda uncomfortable with such a small handle. If I were to do it over, I'd go for a 3/1.
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