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Buy & Hoard Shootout: Women's Shoes vs. Aftershaves

Are there more pairs of women's shoes or aftershaves in your house?

  • Aftershaves, of course!

  • She's got me beat...

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I have more than 10 aftershaves now and it is still no contest. Not even close.

I tried counting one day and got to 43 before I started getting yelled at pretty ferociously.

She leaves me and my shaving habit alone for the most part. Haha.
Full shelf and several drawers full of aftershave.... I'm afraid to count how many....

No contest at all. I win hands down :001_smile
She has two feet. I have one face. No contest. If there's ever an comment about the shaving habit, I only have to mention her boot collection.
I will use an aftershave balm once in a while , I may have 4 or 5. My wife has entire closet filled with her shoes and boots.. She's got me beat by a long shot..
How I got around my wife knowing I was buying a lot of shaving stuff was I would hide my aftershaves in her shoes since she had so many and never wore them. I've suddenly run out of room! :crying:

ha, that's hysterical!

I have less than a dozen aftershaves and although I'm always interested in picking up more I really love the ones I have and don't see a need. They are all vintage aftershaves at that and fun to wear. My wife definitely has me beat with her shoes and far outnumbers my aftershaves.
I have more pairs of shoes than aftershaves.

Come to think of it, I have more shell cordovan shoes than ***. Now THERE is an expensive AD
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She used to have more shoes than I had aftershaves, but we recently relocated to New York and in the process, she lost a few dozen pairs of shoes. I'm sure in a few months she will have 'acquired' some more and I'll then have less aftershaves then she has shoes.

For what it's worth, I have 5 aftershaves not including the 3 samples I have left.
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