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BRUT's "Animal Magnetism" WTH?

So I went to the grocery store to get some things as per my weekly chore, and happened across the shaving section. Out of curiosity I decided to revisit the classic scents by opening the bottles and taking whiffs. I got to the Brut(which I have never worn, btw) and squeezed the bottle a bit to get a whiff. Well apparently they fill the damn thing to the top, literally. I got a nose and mouthful of "The Essence of Man". Needless to say I stood there cursing and drooling for a minute or two:cursing::cursing::cursing:....but that is beside the point of this post.

After completing my shopping I went home and returned to my normal home routine(plopped my rear on the couch, first of all...) I was approached by our un-spayed(make a difference in this instance?) cat, who usually abhors my presence(wife will testify to this.) She proceeded to enter my personal space and rub all over my face and neck until I got annoyed and shoved her off of the couch, to which she responded by peeing on my shoe literally right in front of me. :blink: My dog(also female, but fixed; pit/boxer mix), who is always in my face because I love her more than the 2 cats and let her get away with anything, smelled my face and did the following: Head down, tail between the legs, and curled up by feet at the other end of the couch.:ohmy:

My question is this(sorry if this offends anyone, hope I'm not breaking the rules): WHAT IN THE HELL?!:confused1

Any thoughts?


p.s.- Have to buy some and test it on SWMBO. Fortunately she currently has a cold and can't smell anything, so I didn't have to deal with three strange things happening tonight. By the way, she got the cold from me, which I still had two hours ago, right up until I accidentally did a Brut Snooter. Now apparently I can breathe again.:thumbup1:
You left out the part of rubbing the dead fish all over your face when you were in the meat section of the store...
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