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brushes. im so confused!

Right, so I think I am set on getting a mercur 38c barber pole razor. I have ordered (postie tried to deliver today but was out so have to wait 48 hours :sad: porazo menthol preshave cream)

I have a really cheap (89p!) brush and cheap soap for the time being, but looking at my options.... but the brushes are confusing me something rotten!

They range in price SO much!! Is there a noticeable difference in them? I am skint so cost is a big factor!

Any ideas/suggestions... I really liked the idea of the badger and blade one but they dont seem to have them and not sure if I can get one being in the UK!


I have a really cheap (89p!) brush and cheap soap for the time being, but looking at my options.... but the brushes are confusing me something rotten!

They range in price SO much!! Is there a noticeable difference in them? I am skint so cost is a big factor!

Any ideas/suggestions... I really liked the idea of the badger and blade one but they dont seem to have them and not sure if I can get one being in the UK!



The B&B omega boar is currently back in stock

for the money, Semogue makes a very good product. My favorite boar is the Semogue 1800. The 1800 is probably the most versatile of all the Semogue's I've tried, and a great deal at around $20. I also prefer the wood handle as opposed to acrylic or some of the other heavier offerings.

The mixed-knot Semogue soc 2012 is an excellent brush as well, but it is a little more pricey at $50-$75.
Start here:

Then get back to us with info to give you recommendations. Anything will seem confusing if you just go out and consider every possible option. Don't put the cart before the horse. Define your needs/wants and other criteria then use that to narrow down the options.

They range in price SO much!! Is there a noticeable difference in them?
Depends on who you ask. However, randomly polling people never tells you what your preference is. Brushes are very subjective and it's really a matter of finding what suits you versus whether or not others with varying preferences and budgets notice any difference.

I am skint so cost is a big factor!
Give us a budget. I'm sure that's one item in the link I provided.

Boars seem to be popular with those that want to stay in the lower budget ranges and they're certainly worth trying if you've never used one.
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But what is the shipping to Europe. I believe it is pretty steep. I just PIFed one of the last brushes to a Blade Brother in the UK, had a friend carry it over in his suitcase.

I would look at Semogue and Omega. I personally love the Simpsons Special. Low price on the Pure Badger, but it is a small brush.

The B&B boar is back, and it is yellow his time.
Why not get one for 20 dollar?
38c is a great razor. I've got several others, but that's the one I keep coming back to.

I agree that Omega or Semogue is probably the best bet for a beginner brush. I've got one of each, and the hair seems comparable. The Semogue has a dramatically nicer handle, but was twice as expensive.
Ok, lets try and make it easier for you guys to help me out again!

Your existing harem of badgery beauties! ... tell us what brushes you already have (if any) and what qualities about each you like or dislike I just have a wilkos brush it's small and synathetic.
Your lathery leanings ... mostly this means do you use soaps or creams? Do you facelather or lather in a bowl? Those answers can often influence the type and size of a brush- i am new to de shaving and always used a gel or foam in a can. Since starting I purchased some wilkinson sword soap - only to start with but I imagine I will be using soap for the foreseeable future.
What you want from your next brush .... now that you've told us which brushes you have (see above), tell us what you want from your new brush ... "firmer than my Vulfix ... smaller than my Polo 8 ... not as prickly as my boar-hair brush ..." You get the idea. Maybe you can't compare this to a brush you already have .... "I want a scrubby facelathering brush for triple-milled soaps" or even "I want my first brush ... a good introductory badger brush."I would like my first brush, fairly cheap £20ish. But at same time a nice starter brush.
Brush aesthetics ... kind of a rough, catch-all phrase meaning "tell us more about what you want in the brush". Maybe you want a long skinny handle? or a handle that's easy to grip when wet and covered in tather? Material and colour? Overall appearance? Do you want "heft"? If you tell us the bruah has to have a black handle, we'll not bother you with white-handled option a classic look. Guess either wood/plastic handle
Budget. If SWMBO has given you $80 for the brush, there's not much point in us telling you that a Plisson HMW is exactly what you need. £20ish
Size matters .... if you like small brushes, or large, or medium ... or whatever ... let us know and we can direct you.
Brushes that have already piqued your interest .... if you are trying to decide between *this* brush and *that* brush .... doubtless you'll tell us and maybe even give links to the brushes. This is good not only so we can tell you in our experiences which of the two brushes best meets your needs, but maybe we know a third, fourth, fifth ... that are even better.
Please don't forget to tell us that this will be your last or only brush, and that "SBAD hasn't really gotten ahold of me." We need a good laugh this will be my only brush!

Thanks peeps! Sorry to post another 'which brush' type thread!
Edwin Jagger best badgers can be bought from a UK vendor for about £20 including packaging & post. Try The English Shaving Co or the Gentlemans Shop. An Omega Boar can be got for well under £10 from Connaught Shaving.
First you need to say how you make your lather?

Do you make it in a bowl then apply the made lather to your face or do you make it directly on your face with your brush?

Do you use soaps or creams?

Or you could just buy what ever takes your fancy (like everyone else does) :001_smile

First you need to say how you make your lather?

Do you make it in a bowl then apply the made lather to your face or do you make it directly on your face with your brush?

Do you use soaps or creams?

Or you could just buy what ever takes your fancy (like everyone else does) :001_smile


I was lathering on the face, however after this morning creating hot lather in a mug, I have decided this is my way forward!
I was lathering on the face, however after this morning creating hot lather in a mug, I have decided this is my way forward!

I would push you in the same direction as bosseb and toward the Muhle synthetic.

They are fantastic brushes and I am sure you would be very satisfied with it for years to come


I have the smaller version (19mm) and it is a nice brush (used it yesterday). The larger knot is more popular and you won't find many trash talking that synthetic on B&B :001_smile

what's your budget exactly?
For every price range there are a bunch of brushes that are very good and offer an excellent price/value ratio.
Just pick a price point you feel like spending, then we will give you our best recommendation, and then just pick the one that you feel would be the nicest for you.
I keep using the word 'feel' because it is all subjective.

But the shortest answer, the new Muhle Silvertip Fibre V2 synthetics, like the one mentioned above, are excellent regardless of their price and I wouldn't be missing an awful lot had it been my only brush.
For a cheaper brush, my first brush was an Art of Shaving standard badger brush. I use it regularly and love it dearly!! Especially when I am in the mood for a little extra scrub. I don't think you can go wrong with it. What I should have done is researched and found the perfect ultimate all around brush, being the Simpson Duke 3. With that brush you will never actually need another, but the brush testing addiction will come later haha.

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