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Brush with greatness: What's the biggest knot you got?

I'm in the market for a really big brush, 30mm or above. I will probably e-mail Lee when he is less busy. What's your biggest brush? I have a Kent BK8 so I probably won't go with the BK12. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
I've got a 28mm synthetic FS brush on its way from China... not sure if it's going to be too big or not - definitely quite a step up from the 19mm badger I have now!
These are my two largest. Not being a head shaver, they are plenty large enough for me.....




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Lee of M&F, you say...Big knot, you say.....

This is my biggest brush and one I use on occassion. Very soft but still has backbone, nice fan, faux ivory handle with subtle swirling in it

Morris & Forndran 3 Band Super Silvertip

Weight: 89.3 g
Overall Height: 96.43 mm
Handle Height: 44.65 mm
Knot Loft: 51.78 mm
Knot Diameter: 32.20 mm
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30mm Whippeddog silvertip at default loft in a restored barber handle. It is managable but it is now part if my wife's leg shaving kit where it makes more sense IMO.

I also had a 26mm TGN 2-band finest in bulb.
Now that is a very nice knot but the bulb shape keeps it from spreading / splaying all over the place.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Unless you ave a face the size of Brock Lesnar's, I can't imagine the need for a giant brush.
I've got a few 24mm TGN Finest Badger knots, but most of my collection are 20 or 22mm. I find them more than adequate for a three-pass shave, plus a little touchup on my bald spot (which is currently about 3/4 of my head!)
Mine is 26mm and even that's a little big. I think my sweet spot is about 24x50. 2-band finest only of course!
The Kent BK12 is ~33mm and the M&F is 36mm. In response to the esteemed Ouch, they're very useful when lathering larger areas such as the head or legs.



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In response to the esteemed Ouch, they're very useful when lathering larger areas such as the head or legs.

or hairy backs :laugh:

I don't use mine often and feel a 24-26mm is as big as I'd go now.

It all depends on density and splay too. I have a couple 26-28mm knots and they don't feel as big as some 24mm fans that splay.
My two largest knots are the B&B Essential boar at 22mm, and a Duke 1 at 19mm. I don't use either of them cause I find them too big. :p
I have a Chubby 3 in Best. The knot is around 30 mm. It's not practical to use on a daily basis but it is a joy to use every once in a while.
I no longer own any large knot brushes. I recently sold the last one I had hung onto (Rooney 3XL stubby). I found I was only using it once every other month which was not enough for such a fine brush

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