I picked these two brushes up as part of a box full of shaving stuff at a flea market. I originally intended to see if someone would be interested in buying the Ever-Ready and restore it, but I've decided to keep it. Soaked it in antibacterial dish soap overnight and after thoroughly rinsing it ended up using it this morning and it worked great! Can anyone tell me approximately when it was made? It's a 300, and the bottom is clear.
Does anyone have any information on the second one? I've not been able to find much about it. The company name is HELDTITE. Looks kind of small for a shave brush, and the bristles are fairly stiff.
Does anyone have any information on the second one? I've not been able to find much about it. The company name is HELDTITE. Looks kind of small for a shave brush, and the bristles are fairly stiff.