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Brush for big hands?

After shaving for a few months I'm starting to realise that I'm just not getting on with my brush. I have quite large hands and I tend to find my Omega 6215 (I think, there's no markings on the thing apart from Omega) Silvertip is very fiddly to use. I also wouldn't mind something with a little more backbone than the Omega, but still be nice and soft and have a similar lathering properties as I live with very hard water.

Last, but not least, it needs to be available to me down here in Australia. Any ideas?
I have fairly big hands..8 inch along the palm to fingertip, but I've always used my brushes with a pencil grip ( i.e. like you hold a pen ). I have 3 different Windsor brushes, available in Oz, 2 of which have quite small handles but no problem. But if you want something in badger, I cant advise too much. In boar, something big with backbone, Himage.com.au have the Proraso brush for $30 delivered.

Polo series in best. I found the three band silver to be floppy.


Rooney style 3 heritage is plenty firm
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