i have a question for some of you B&B experts about a new brush. First, the basics...I use only hard soaps (T&H Luxury, TOBS Lavender, Trumper Almond and Kent) and only face lather. The 2 brushes I use most are a Rooney 3/2 and a Kent BK8. I am in the market for a new brush that will fill my needs and am looking at either a Rooney 1/2 or possibly a Chubby. I would also be open to a Shavemac if you deem them good at face lathering with soaps. I would appreciate any thoughts/advise as to which would work the best with soaps. I enjoy the feel of the silvertip brushes, as i also own a EJ and Kingsley in best and i find them inadequate. They just don't cut it for face lathering IMHO. I really don't have a price limit and SWMBO is fairly understanding as long as I don't go crazy. Thanks in advance for your time and your thoughts as I value your opinions very highly. Hope all have a great weekend!!

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