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Brush bands?

I'm seeing things about two band brushes, what does this mean? I just bought a Semogue 1438, no idea how many bands it is. It isn't like the whole cartridge razor thing is it, ie., doubles, triples, and more?:confused1
(so tinashubby: your brush is a boar brush and it has been artificially banded with some ink-work)
Thanks guys! I was thinking the color, or perhaps some sort of physical band within the base of the knot to crimp the bristles. I recon a single color brush would be called non banded?
check out the first entry here, dudes:


lots of helpful information is to be gleaned from the glossary.

+1 Boars do not have bands, just different % of tops, mainly, unless you get one of the LEs which use a premium grade of boar bristles compared to the standard bristles. Although Semogue's bristles seem to be of a higher quality than other boar brushes, in my opinion, but YMMV, of course. Good luck.
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