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Brush and Razor do it yourself stand

So looking on line to find a brush and razor stand for my newly acquired Gillette SS from Martym on here. He really PIF to me today, a razor some Arko, blades a brush and an alum block what a great guy. So back to a stand i found a bunch for 30 bucks up but none just looked like what I envisioned in a stand for me. So looked up a do it yourself and found one made out of a wire hanger. This took me longer to get my wire cutters from my toolbox than to make the two.

Probably should have looked but didn't see any that screamed out to me I looked at the threads and the ones that are on here are nice and fancy, I am more rustic so an old coat hanger did the trick for me. Thanks.
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Here is the outcome! Thinking of either spraying with a bed liner spray or maybe dipping in plastidip. I know they need adjustment to line them up but this was about 5 minutes after i got materials.
Yeah the ever ready isn't ready all that much any more but it was the first one I ever used. I played with it when my little bro and I were kids and so did my dad, it belonged to his grandfather. But just saw the thread on putting in a new knot, what better experiment than on an heirloom.
Hey everyone. I'm new to the whole wet shave deal and since I'm still in college I am on a shoestring budget. I had originally made the same wire hanger stand (no brush yet, but that is going to be my next purchase after some nice shave cream) but I decided I was going to need something a little more. Using some salvage wood and some cheap parts from Lowes (>$1.50) I made a nice urban stand. I'm thinking of making an instructable for it, but I wanted to share it with the good people of B&B before that. Let me know what you think.
Great Ideas guys! I ended up buying a stand for my brush, but I think I'll make a nice coat hanger one for my Slim Adjustable and spray the wire with chrome paint. I am somewaht of a perfectionist, so it will have to be perfect, with perfect bends. I will post a picture in this thread when I'm done.
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