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Brought a Newbie on board

Just wanted to say welcome to dlelder26! I was extolling the virtues of wet shaving to him yesterday and he said he was going to give it a go. Next thing I knew he has joined the brotherhood. I am still in the learning process but I am trying to give him some knowledge. Any help you can bestow on him would be great! Thanks Jack! $images.jpg
Thanks tlentz! if anyone has any suggestions of good classic razors or new products to try i am totally open to suggestions and want to learn more.
Welcome to the forum. You should visit the threads on razors, soaps, creams, brushes, etc. There you will find many interesting posts to get you started.
Well, I am by no means an expert. However, I can recommend a few things. First, get a decent razor if you don't have one already. The Edwin Jagger DE89, DE89L, and DE89B are very mild razors. Or if vintage is more your style, try a Gillette Super Speed.

As for blades, I highly recommend a sampler pack. Most sites have them such as West Coast Shaving, Italian Barber, Bullgoose, etc.

Brushes: boars are not as expensive as badgers. Both are outstanding. A good quality boar will be great for your needs. I recommend Semogue. I haven't tried Omega yet, but I hear they are just as good. It will take a couple of months of steady use to break in a boar brush and can be every bit as soft as a badger. Boars don't retain as much water as badger brushes.

Soaps and creams: If I were you, I would get at least one of each if you can afford it. Good starters are Proraso, Cella, Taylor of Old Bond Street (TOBS), and last but not least Tabac (which is probably the easiest lathering, high quality soap in existence, IMHO), etc.

As always, your experiences with these products are not necessarily going to be the same as everyone else (YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary).

And finally, hit the antique shops in your area for cool old shaving stuff! You might find a rare item for dirt cheap. Remember to take your time at first. This process isn't based on speed. It is based on technique. You aren't going to master it in a day, or even a week. Take your time and enjoy it.

Good luck and welcome!
what are your guys' favorite classic double edge razors? i want to try one out. thanks for all of the helpful information!
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