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Broken E-2 Fatboy



I’ve finally got a bad deal off of the bay. I found this E-2 Gillette Fatboy for $34. With the description “Tested and Works see pix!!!” Far from it… adjustment dial spins freely with no audible click, the blade gap is stuck on what looks like 9, you can see the huge abnormal gap above the dial… yeah. So needless to say I wasn’t planning on having to repair this… I know I should send it off to someone who has more experience… but I’m up for the challenge. I’m going to attempt to figure this all out and resolve the issues. Any tips are greatly appreciated. How would I fix that pin that’s more than likely flattened or bent? I haven’t disassembled it yet. And what would that huge gap be from?


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Personally, I'd return it.
eBay is on the buyer's side and it seems you were hoodwinked.
That thing is a wreck and requires parts as well as time but if you want a challenge ...
Great point… I’ll take any advice at this time.
It looks from the UK bay site anyway, that you have an ironclad case for a refund.

It's far beyond lemon status and obviously is not true to the seller description.

When the item received by the buyer doesn't match the listing​

Sellers are required to deliver the item as it was described in the listing. If the buyer receives the wrong item, or the item arrives broken, damaged, or faulty (and was not clearly described as such), they are entitled to return it for a refund, even if the seller doesn't offer returns.

Buyers and sellers may agree to another solution, such as a full or partial refund while the buyer keeps the item, or a replacement item instead of a refund.

Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. If an item is being returned, the seller is responsible for return postage.

Actions & time frames for "not as described" returns​

Time frame
The buyer requests a return
Start a return request
The seller responds to the buyer's request
The seller is required to respond and provide a solution to the buyer's issue.
  • 3 business days after the request date
In some cases, eBay may automatically accept the return on the seller's behalf.
If the item is being returned

The buyer sends the item back
  • The latest date to post the return will be shown in an email sent by eBay to the buyer, as well as within the return request
If the buyer does not post the return by the specified date, eBay may close the return request.
The seller issues a refund
  • 2 business days after receiving the returned item
If the seller does not refund the buyer and return tracking shows the item was delivered, eBay may automatically issue a full refund on the seller's behalf.
Ask eBay to step in
If the seller hasn't responded or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help.
  • Once the seller has accepted the return, or 3 business days after the request date
  • 21 business days after the request date, if the seller never responded
  • 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed, if the seller is issuing a refund
eBay may hold the return request open for up to 35 business days after the date the return was accepted.

Deciding the outcome when the item doesn't match the listing​

When a buyer reports that an item doesn't match the listing and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for all of the following:

  • Evidence that the buyer and seller have each met their return requirements
  • Whether the seller breached eBay policies when listing the item
  • Whether the item can be posted back to the seller
  • Proof of return delivery, if the item was being returned
If we determine that the seller did not meet their return requirements:

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  • The seller will be required to reimburse eBay for the amount of the refund, and
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  • The buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or postage costs

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Not covered
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Not covered
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Not covered:
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Otherwise, some sellers may deduct the loss in value from the amount refunded to the buyer. See our Condition of returned items policy.
There are strong indicators that the item is counterfeit
  • The buyer must request a return but may not be required to post the item back to the seller
The item is hazardous to post
The item no longer has value
For example:
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  • A ticket for a cancelled event
The item arrived after the latest estimated delivery date

The return is treated as if the item didn't match the listing.

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If an authenticated item is eligible to be returned, the buyer may be asked to post the item back to the authentication facility for inspection to ensure that the item is being returned in the same condition. If the returned item is found to be in a different condition, it will be sent back to the buyer and no refund will be issued.

Learn more about Authenticity Guarantee.

When the seller doesn't fulfil their return policy​

If the listing states that the seller offers returns, the buyer may return the item for any reason, including if they change their mind about the item ("remorse" returns).

When a buyer requests a return within the seller's return policy, the seller must allow them to return the item for a full refund, including original postage costs.

When the seller doesn't offer returns, or a remorse return request falls outside the seller's return window, the seller may exercise their discretion to accept or deny the return. If the seller chooses to accept the return, this will then be treated as if they had offered returns in the listing.

Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. If an item is being returned for remorse reasons, the listing states which party is responsible for return postage.

Actions & time frames for "remorse" returns​

Time frame
The buyer requests a return
Start a return request
  • Check the seller's stated returns window in the listing
The seller responds to the buyer's request
The seller is required to respond and honour their returns policy.
  • 3 business days after the request date
In some cases, eBay may automatically accept the return on the seller's behalf.
If the item is being returned

The buyer sends the item back
  • The latest date to post the return will be shown in an email sent by eBay to the buyer, as well as within the return request
If the buyer does not post the return by the specified date, eBay may close the return request.
The seller issues a refund
  • 2 business days after receiving the returned item
If the seller does not refund the buyer and return tracking shows the item was delivered, eBay may automatically issue a full refund on the seller's behalf.
Ask eBay to step in
If the seller hasn't responded, or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help.
  • Once the seller has accepted the return, or 3 business days after the request date
  • 21 business days after the request date, if the seller never responded
  • 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed, if the seller is issuing a refund
eBay may hold the return request open for up to 35 business days after the date the return was accepted.
Last edited:
It looks from the UK bay site anyway, that you have an ironclad case for a refund.

It's far beyond lemon status and obviously is not true to the seller description.

When the item received by the buyer doesn't match the listing​

Sellers are required to deliver the item as it was described in the listing. If the buyer receives the wrong item, or the item arrives broken, damaged, or faulty (and was not clearly described as such), they are entitled to return it for a refund, even if the seller doesn't offer returns.

Buyers and sellers may agree to another solution, such as a full or partial refund while the buyer keeps the item, or a replacement item instead of a refund.

Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. If an item is being returned, the seller is responsible for return postage.

Actions & time frames for "not as described" returns​

Time frame
The buyer requests a return
Start a return request
The seller responds to the buyer's request
The seller is required to respond and provide a solution to the buyer's issue.
  • 3 business days after the request date
In some cases, eBay may automatically accept the return on the seller's behalf.
If the item is being returned

The buyer sends the item back
  • The latest date to post the return will be shown in an email sent by eBay to the buyer, as well as within the return request
If the buyer does not post the return by the specified date, eBay may close the return request.
The seller issues a refund
  • 2 business days after receiving the returned item
If the seller does not refund the buyer and return tracking shows the item was delivered, eBay may automatically issue a full refund on the seller's behalf.
Ask eBay to step in
If the seller hasn't responded or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help.
  • Once the seller has accepted the return, or 3 business days after the request date
  • 21 business days after the request date, if the seller never responded
  • 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed, if the seller is issuing a refund
eBay may hold the return request open for up to 35 business days after the date the return was accepted.

Deciding the outcome when the item doesn't match the listing​

When a buyer reports that an item doesn't match the listing and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for all of the following:

  • Evidence that the buyer and seller have each met their return requirements
  • Whether the seller breached eBay policies when listing the item
  • Whether the item can be posted back to the seller
  • Proof of return delivery, if the item was being returned
If we determine that the seller did not meet their return requirements:

  • The buyer will receive a refund for the full cost of the item and original postage, and
  • The seller will be required to reimburse eBay for the amount of the refund, and
  • The buyer may not be required to return the item
If we determine that the buyer did not meet their return requirements:

  • The buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or postage costs

Exclusions and special coverage when the item doesn't match the listing​

Items collected by a third party on behalf of the buyer
Not covered
The buyer arranged their own delivery method, such as a courier pickup
Not covered
The item was sent to another address after original delivery
  • The item was forwarded as part of an eBay programme such as:
Not covered:
  • The buyer used third-party freight forwarding or mail redirection
The buyer returned the item used or damaged
  • The use was necessary to determine the quality or functioning of the item, or the damage was the result of that use
Otherwise, some sellers may deduct the loss in value from the amount refunded to the buyer. See our Condition of returned items policy.
There are strong indicators that the item is counterfeit
  • The buyer must request a return but may not be required to post the item back to the seller
The item is hazardous to post
The item no longer has value
For example:
  • A perishable item that has expired
  • A ticket for a cancelled event
The item arrived after the latest estimated delivery date

The return is treated as if the item didn't match the listing.

eBay Authenticity Guarantee​

Authenticity Guarantee purchases are covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee when all other eligibility requirements are met.

Items that display the Authenticity Guarantee badge in the listing are first posted to an authenticator who inspects the item prior to delivery to the buyer. This inspection ensures that the item purchased matches the listing description and verifies the item's authenticity.

If an authenticated item is eligible to be returned, the buyer may be asked to post the item back to the authentication facility for inspection to ensure that the item is being returned in the same condition. If the returned item is found to be in a different condition, it will be sent back to the buyer and no refund will be issued.

Learn more about Authenticity Guarantee.

When the seller doesn't fulfil their return policy​

If the listing states that the seller offers returns, the buyer may return the item for any reason, including if they change their mind about the item ("remorse" returns).

When a buyer requests a return within the seller's return policy, the seller must allow them to return the item for a full refund, including original postage costs.

When the seller doesn't offer returns, or a remorse return request falls outside the seller's return window, the seller may exercise their discretion to accept or deny the return. If the seller chooses to accept the return, this will then be treated as if they had offered returns in the listing.

Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. If an item is being returned for remorse reasons, the listing states which party is responsible for return postage.

Actions & time frames for "remorse" returns​

Time frame
The buyer requests a return
Start a return request
  • Check the seller's stated returns window in the listing
The seller responds to the buyer's request
The seller is required to respond and honour their returns policy.
  • 3 business days after the request date
In some cases, eBay may automatically accept the return on the seller's behalf.
If the item is being returned

The buyer sends the item back
  • The latest date to post the return will be shown in an email sent by eBay to the buyer, as well as within the return request
If the buyer does not post the return by the specified date, eBay may close the return request.
The seller issues a refund
  • 2 business days after receiving the returned item
If the seller does not refund the buyer and return tracking shows the item was delivered, eBay may automatically issue a full refund on the seller's behalf.
Ask eBay to step in
If the seller hasn't responded, or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help.
  • Once the seller has accepted the return, or 3 business days after the request date
  • 21 business days after the request date, if the seller never responded
  • 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed, if the seller is issuing a refund
eBay may hold the return request open for up to 35 business days after the date the return was accepted.

Thanks this is helpful! I’m definitely leaning toward returning it, even if it takes more time… being as I paid $35 for it which isn’t bad but it’s not $5. Part of me would love the possibility of restoring but I know that fixing the existing parts on it probably won’t work and it’s not worth buying an entire other razor and using those parts as well…
Thanks this is helpful! I’m definitely leaning toward returning it, even if it takes more time… being as I paid $35 for it which isn’t bad but it’s not $5. Part of me would love the possibility of restoring but I know that fixing the existing parts on it probably won’t work and it’s not worth buying an entire other razor and using those parts as well…
In good old British slang, that seller was just taking the ****. Plums Individually Sugar Sweet
To fix the clicker you need to buy one (either a donor razor or one from Razor Emporium)
Then taking it apart is NOT easy.....for someone that hasn't done it....there are plenty of pics here and some vids on YT.

You can soak it in hot water......and leave the dial to move around....., I have one like that and has 33 numbers (more than 3 whole 360 turns....). It works but you never know where it is......

Just return and get a refund and leave negative feedback!
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