I like many others believe in breaking off only enough for one pot at a time.
What cake did you get?
When breaking up a cake of Pu-erh (in any of its various forms) do you break off only what you need at that time, or do you break it up all at once?
I tend to break up about half of a cake at a time and store it in a yixing jar. I dont always have time to play with my tea so I choose to have a jar of already seperated leaves at hand.
How many 'half cakes' do you have lying around?
i pry off a solid piece big enough for three or four sessions and keep them in baggies for short term storage. I must have twenty or thirty such baggies laying around. When it's session time i further subdivide, and when it's gone i refill it with enough for another few rounds.
Thanks for all the replies. I'll look for Teamasters thread.
I was breaking some up and wondered if it was best to do this every time or not. I saw a video about how to do it and the man (Chinese) broke the whole cake up.
Carlin, I haven't got to a whole cake yet. In the fall I bought samples from Steve, some were 25g while 3 were 100g which are 2008 Menghai "Hong Yun" Ripe Pu-erh Mini tea cake, 2008 Menghai V93 Premium Ripe Pu-erh tea, and 2008 Xiaguan FT "Happy Tuo" Raw Pu-erh. I still have some of these 3 left. I know, I'm slow lol