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Bought my first straight in a loooong time today


Needs work, but I think I got a real good one. LeGrelot.
I think it needs new scales tbh with you. I think one actually shrunk with age and the other was mended at some point in its life. It was done well, but IDK if it could take any more punishment, and they have no aesthetic value.
I have a Le Grelot in blonde horn, whose blade was modified to hide a crack.
If you want to keep it a full Le Grelot, let me know.
No, that's cool. Thank you though. NYC is the land of wrecked straights. For every one nice one I see three dozen wrecks. I will find something cool. The fact that is was a LeGrelot is what tripped the switch to buy. I passed on an absolutely beautiful Jane blade not long ago.... And a very nice AIC blade.
Private sale. I'd guess you could say an estate sale of sorts. Flea markets are hard these days, they are sort of ebay fantasy price wannabe retail markets more or less... Such a drag and change from the 90s... Are the scales on these celluloid? So ragged. Need to take pics. It's like one dehydrated and caved in on itself.
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Been dragging my feet on this, but was bored tonight and carefully filed off the intact scales and filed off the spent ones as well. I took the blade to the dressing room I guess to see how well the new pants fit. It actually looks quite good, I think. Just need to polish the scales up and actually get it pinned.
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