Seeing that I'm on the road a lot, I got a bit bored this last couple of days and picked three of the "more popular" cartridge razors and figured I would give them a try. Understand that I am a SE/DE/Rolls kinda guy - but I was a bit curious how the mass market stuff would shave, now that I've honed my skills somewhat with SEs, DEs, Rolls, Straights and a Kamisori.
My first shave (yesterday) was with the non-powered Gillette Fusion ProGlide. I used their lotions for pre-shave and post-shave and used their Fusion ProGlide Hydra Smooth canned shaving gel along with my Semogue SOC 2 Band Badger. I managed to get a near BBS shave with very little problem - no weepers or nicks - the head and the angle of the ProGlide is considerably different than my SE, DE, Rolls tools. Very little if any feedback to speak of - a bit more difficult to frame my goatee. The best price I've seen on the cartridges is $4.16 each - to me, this should give a shave that is way beyond my Weber DLC/Classic or my Muhle R41 Grande - it does not. It does however, provide me with a closer shave than my Fat Handle Triangle Slot Tech loaded with a Feather. Now I really like my Tech - it's just that for this comparison - it doesn't shave as closely as the ProGlide. However, if I were to choose one to keep and use daily - it would be the Fat Handle Tech - hands down. Far easier to maneuver and far better feedback - just more fun to use.
I used the ProGlide for 3 passes plus touch up - as I do with all of my others razors. The touch up is usually for below my jaw line - everything above is easily taken care of with 3 passes.
The Gillette pre shave Thermal Face Scrub is very gritty - I suppose it's doing something, I just don't care for it.
The Gillette post shave Intense Cooling Lotion felt great - but leaves a somewhat sticky residue.
It was probably ill advised to fill my SOC 2 Band with Fusion ProGlide shaving gel - but nevertheless - it worked okay. I can't imagine having to use this stuff everyday though. Not even close to my current soaps, sticks or creams.
My second shave (today) was with the Schick Hydro 3. Seeing that it wasn't bundled with product as the Fusion ProGlide was, I used my Semogue SOC along with Euro Palmolive and proceeded to face lather as usual. The shave with the Hydro 3 was preferable to me over the Fusion ProGlide. The actual head of the Hydro and the ProGlide are virtually the same - even though the ProGlide has 5 blades versus the Hydro's 3. In any event, it seemed as if the Hydro 3 has a bit "stiffer" blades and provided me a bit closer shave with a bit better feedback (which is still very poor btw). Cartridge cost on the Hydro 3 is $2.27 each - which makes it a runaway winner for me over the Fusion ProGlide - a very easy decision actually as the Hydro 3 provided a closer and more enjoyable shave. Once again - 3 passes plus some light touch up. Very, very smooth results. I'm fairly confident that if ProGlide users would actually try the Hydro 3, they would quickly make the switch both for shave performance and the substantial cost savings.
Both the Fusion ProGlide and the Hydro 3 are pretty much "non-thinking" auto-pilot type of razors. There's really no danger of getting hurt (as opposed to a R41, Vison wide open or OCMM - where daydreaming can prove costly). There is also no real "involvement" in the shave as there is with my SE/DE/Rolls shavers. I think this may be due in part to the plastic handles, no real feedback and the general "detachment" from the whole process. The end result however is acceptable. Bottom line so far - cartridges can work - but - if you have ingrown hair issues, probably not your best bet. If you want to actually "enjoy" the shaving process - they are not going to do it for you.
Tomorrow I will be using my newly acquired Gillette Sensor Excel with the 2 blade cartridge. So far, 3 blades have proven better than 5; perhaps 2 blades will be better than 3. I'm guessing 1 blade will trump them all.

Current travel hardware:
Semogue SOC 2 Band Badger
BGS 2012 Horse
Semogue 2000 Boar
Gillette Fusion ProGlide
Schick Hydro 3
Gillette Sensor Excel
Muhle R41 Grande
Weber DLC/Classic
Gillette Fat Handle Tech Triangle
Gillette Old 1910 Model 102 OC
Palmolive Euro
Fusion ProGlide Hydra Smooth
Personna Lab Blue
Astra SP
Shark SC
My first shave (yesterday) was with the non-powered Gillette Fusion ProGlide. I used their lotions for pre-shave and post-shave and used their Fusion ProGlide Hydra Smooth canned shaving gel along with my Semogue SOC 2 Band Badger. I managed to get a near BBS shave with very little problem - no weepers or nicks - the head and the angle of the ProGlide is considerably different than my SE, DE, Rolls tools. Very little if any feedback to speak of - a bit more difficult to frame my goatee. The best price I've seen on the cartridges is $4.16 each - to me, this should give a shave that is way beyond my Weber DLC/Classic or my Muhle R41 Grande - it does not. It does however, provide me with a closer shave than my Fat Handle Triangle Slot Tech loaded with a Feather. Now I really like my Tech - it's just that for this comparison - it doesn't shave as closely as the ProGlide. However, if I were to choose one to keep and use daily - it would be the Fat Handle Tech - hands down. Far easier to maneuver and far better feedback - just more fun to use.
I used the ProGlide for 3 passes plus touch up - as I do with all of my others razors. The touch up is usually for below my jaw line - everything above is easily taken care of with 3 passes.
The Gillette pre shave Thermal Face Scrub is very gritty - I suppose it's doing something, I just don't care for it.
The Gillette post shave Intense Cooling Lotion felt great - but leaves a somewhat sticky residue.
It was probably ill advised to fill my SOC 2 Band with Fusion ProGlide shaving gel - but nevertheless - it worked okay. I can't imagine having to use this stuff everyday though. Not even close to my current soaps, sticks or creams.
My second shave (today) was with the Schick Hydro 3. Seeing that it wasn't bundled with product as the Fusion ProGlide was, I used my Semogue SOC along with Euro Palmolive and proceeded to face lather as usual. The shave with the Hydro 3 was preferable to me over the Fusion ProGlide. The actual head of the Hydro and the ProGlide are virtually the same - even though the ProGlide has 5 blades versus the Hydro's 3. In any event, it seemed as if the Hydro 3 has a bit "stiffer" blades and provided me a bit closer shave with a bit better feedback (which is still very poor btw). Cartridge cost on the Hydro 3 is $2.27 each - which makes it a runaway winner for me over the Fusion ProGlide - a very easy decision actually as the Hydro 3 provided a closer and more enjoyable shave. Once again - 3 passes plus some light touch up. Very, very smooth results. I'm fairly confident that if ProGlide users would actually try the Hydro 3, they would quickly make the switch both for shave performance and the substantial cost savings.
Both the Fusion ProGlide and the Hydro 3 are pretty much "non-thinking" auto-pilot type of razors. There's really no danger of getting hurt (as opposed to a R41, Vison wide open or OCMM - where daydreaming can prove costly). There is also no real "involvement" in the shave as there is with my SE/DE/Rolls shavers. I think this may be due in part to the plastic handles, no real feedback and the general "detachment" from the whole process. The end result however is acceptable. Bottom line so far - cartridges can work - but - if you have ingrown hair issues, probably not your best bet. If you want to actually "enjoy" the shaving process - they are not going to do it for you.
Tomorrow I will be using my newly acquired Gillette Sensor Excel with the 2 blade cartridge. So far, 3 blades have proven better than 5; perhaps 2 blades will be better than 3. I'm guessing 1 blade will trump them all.

Current travel hardware:
Semogue SOC 2 Band Badger
BGS 2012 Horse
Semogue 2000 Boar
Gillette Fusion ProGlide
Schick Hydro 3
Gillette Sensor Excel
Muhle R41 Grande
Weber DLC/Classic
Gillette Fat Handle Tech Triangle
Gillette Old 1910 Model 102 OC
Palmolive Euro
Fusion ProGlide Hydra Smooth
Personna Lab Blue
Astra SP
Shark SC
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