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Booster Vs. Clubman - Opinions Anyone?

I'm quite familiar with most, if not all, the Booster line of ***, but I've only used one Clubman product, the Classic if memory serves me right. Smaller flask-shaped bottle.

I see plenty of good comments and reviews here for Clubman, bit would like an opinion of someone who's used both lines extensively.

How do they compare?

Thanks in advance.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I've used the Clubman quite a bit, and the Pinaud Bay Rum a bit too, and have been using the Booster polar ice all this month ...

Performance-wise, I'd take Booster easily. It's got glycerin in with the alcohol, water and scent, so it actually does a bit of repair work on the skin (kind of like Aqua Velva) after the sting. The alcohol sting is there for sure, but noticeably less than the Clubman.

The scent ... Booster PI is pretty much something that will appeal to a broad crowd in a barbershoppy way, but the Clubman is more a love it or hate it barbershoppy scent, more likely to draw old-man comments and maybe a bit more likely to draw compliments as well (not from the same people, of course.)
Thanks Doc.

Polar Ice is one of my favourites in the Booster line as well, up there with Iced Lime and Mosswood.
I have & use both.
  • The Boosters definitely has less alcohol than the Clubman splashes.
  • The Booster's, although very "barber-shoppy" are just not as "Old School" nice as the Clubman products.
  • The Booster Island Bay Rum & Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum both smell identical to my nose.

Ones I have:

  • Clubman
  • Classic Vanilla
  • Special Reserve
  • Virgin Island Bay Rum

  • Polar Ice
  • Mosswood
  • Jickey
  • Aquarius
  • Island Bay Rum
I find Booster's better for my face but Pinaud is better for my soul. Except for LV- that stuff is nasty.
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