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Bone shaving brush with beads inside.

I bought this brush thinking it was plastic when i get it it turns out to be made of bone and it has like beads of something inside that shakes and rattles when i move it. I dont know what to do with it now i dont like bone but i loved the design it holds so well in your hand that i kinds wanna polish it up for use but again im not a bone fan should u just sell it if so how much do people like bone, also would it be worth restoring if i decided to restore it and is bone restorable. $photo 1.jpg$photo 2.jpg$photo 3.jpg$photo 4.jpg
Awesome. I love these kinda detailed bone brush handles. Where'd you get it?

Bone is restorable, but of course be careful when you remove the knot. If you do wind up selling it let me know. I don't have any knots for it, but hell, I'd find one.
I was watching that brush but just forgot to bid on it. I think you got an excellent acquisition.

I have been taking a variety of brushes apart and many of the old ones have much m,ore hollow in them than you think. My guess is that some of the knot came loose and is rattling around.

Of course it may be more interesting than that. That bone looks old, though I am no expert, and bone carvings and scrimshaw were a frequent way for sailors to pass time on a boat. The brush could hold some interesting artifact or it might have been used for smuggling. My own sweet grandmother started her professional career smuggling family gold out of Latvia when she was 4. Very commonly done.

Bone becomes brittle over time so whatever you do, be slow and gentle taking out the knot.
do you guys know how brittle or strong bone is, the reason I avoid bone is cause it feels very weak compared to wood and also the brush feels very heavy.
It's a voodoo totem, like the Monkey's Paw. If you wish for something while lathering up, you will get your wish but, it may not be what you expect!
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do you guys know how brittle or strong bone is, the reason I avoid bone is cause it feels very weak compared to wood and also the brush feels very heavy.

What you have may be bone or possibly horn which is denser and more resilient than just bone. My guess is bone though. As bone dries out, it becomes more brittle and so any work you do on it will require care. Go slow and take your time. You may even want someone more experienced to remove the knot for you, but keep in mind that there are no guarantees with old materials. There could be a preexisting fracture in the brush that additional stress could cause to move and spread. One doesn't know. On the other hand, you can't use it for anything as it is...so why not?
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