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Body hiar removal

For only the 2nd time in my entire life I have shaved the hair on the my armpits and front of my body. I did this last year when the big heat came to China to prevent unsightly sweat appearing. That time I felt very strange and not good. This time I did it resignedly, since it does allow sweat to dissipate far more efficiently and on the worst days I can use anti-perspirant. I personally hate the look of it and get annoyed when I see tv shows and movies in which 16th Century Quakers etc are shown as having fully waxed chests. But I get the impression this is becoming very normal in some parts of the world.
Would the members care to share their regimen/opinions on this?
Shave or "Nair" down completely shoulders to knees every 2-3 months. Shave the pits about once a month or so.
I have a lot of body hair some of which is pretty thick in some areas like on my chest and abdomen.

Last summer during a not spell, I took my electric barber clippers and had SWMBO "shear" me. She was not happy about it, but I was as she claimed I looked like "The Great White Whale".

The hair grew back just fine, I felt much cooler during heat waves and had less problem with wet body hair holding perspiration.
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Shave or "Nair" down completely shoulders to knees every 2-3 months. Shave the pits about once a month or so.

Is this for sports? I think my SWMBO would not like it if I shaved everything completely. Trimmed may be ok, but even that seems like overkill for me, it's hot in LA, but I don't sweat a lot. (or enough for it to be an issue)
Is this for sports? I think my SWMBO would not like it if I shaved everything completely. Trimmed may be ok, but even that seems like overkill for me, it's hot in LA, but I don't sweat a lot. (or enough for it to be an issue)
First time I did it was for swimming in high school back in '79. Never went competitive and kept up, but due to the heat and BO-prevention, it's something that I've continued for most of my life. I hate sweating, but even worse, I hate sweat that hangs around.
Now I'm not "needing" the 100% bare skin, so I stop at the knees and just below the shoulders (about sleeve-length), and as I said, it's only 3-4 times a year with the regular pit-shave between.
"Certain areas" are not completely bare... just a very close buzz.
hair + briar = hiar? I thought this thread was about a thicket like mass of tangled body hair.
I have not done a full shave on the chest but I did a "thatching" with an electric trimmer to take some of the length off and it has been a good thing. I, too, did the swim shave thing in high school but don't think the hairless look would work now. Got to have a little camo over what is not a 6 pack belly (in the fit, muscular sense) anymore.
Got to have a little camo over what is not a 6 pack belly (in the fit, muscular sense) anymore.
Unfortunately (or not, depending on how you look at it) mine grows the other way.
I get very little thickness on the upper chest... just a very light and thin cross.
As it moves down, it broadens and thickens. Not horribly... I'm nowhere near Yeti status... but the location and shape serve to emphasize my belly, rather than provide cover.
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