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Boar brush smelling like chlorine

I just received my first boar brush, Omega 20480. First I thoroughly rinsed it with warm water, then washed it with shampoo and rinsed it again. When the brush was dry, the smell of chlorine was very faint, so I didn't even recognise it at first. But after wetting the brush, the smell became very strong. Even after the shampoo wash and test lather, the smell is still there.

I have read about boar brushes smelling like wet dog or something like that, but never chlorine. It could have something to do with disinfencting or bleaching. The smell will probably disappear after some use, but I'm not very comfortable rubbing my face with a brush with chlorine residues. So, I would like to know if this smell of chlorine is normal?
I've never had a brush smell like chlorine. Give the brush a quick soak in a mild vinegar and water solution. It will probably smell like vinegar for the first couple of shaves after that, but that should get rid of the chlorine smell.
I can't say if it was chlorine or not, but my SOC 2012 SE mixed boar / badger brush had a smell that was not animal funk, but some kind of chemical. I just lathered it up with a sample of Mike's orange, pepper and cedarwood soap, left it sitting overnight, and rinsed it out in the morning. That took care of 90% of the smell, and the rest disappeared after I used the brush a couple of time.

I just received my first boar brush, Omega 20480. First I thoroughly rinsed it with warm water, then washed it with shampoo and rinsed it again. When the brush was dry, the smell of chlorine was very faint, so I didn't even recognise it at first. But after wetting the brush, the smell became very strong...

Well then, stop washing it in your swimming pool, man! Take it inside and clean it up again in the house. (sheesh, some people)... but seriously maybe the factory part de-funked it and the residual smell is what remains. Boar bristle fragrance doesn't smell like chlorine, so... you've certainly taken steps in the right direction. Suggest you continue, and let it soak for a while or give it a workout in a nice smelling shampoo or conditioner, or not... and the malodorous-ness will just improve with time and use. :)
It's not Clorine...it's Chloramine...That's one the byproducts of putrifaction...Most likely some soap is rotting in the base...Yes Soap does rot, and can turn stinky down the line, but first it smells like chlorine. In the fish department at most stores they sell something call Amquel, Novaqua. or Clor-away in bright YELLOW bottles...That will make the Chloramines inert, and not only will the smell go away, but the putrifying agent will be easier to clean as well.

I had the misfortune of working for the County Coroner and that's the smell you notice first...Chlorine....Blech!!!!

Good luck in any case!

It's not Clorine...it's Chloramine...That's one the byproducts of putrifaction...Most likely some soap is rotting in the base...Yes Soap does rot, and can turn stinky down the line, but first it smells like chlorine. In the fish department at most stores they sell something call Amquel, Novaqua. or Clor-away in bright YELLOW bottles...That will make the Chloramines inert, and not only will the smell go away, but the putrifying agent will be easier to clean as well.

Thank you for the information. I will try that. I never knew anything about chloramine before, so it was interesting to read about it.

Thanks everyone. This is what makes B&B great. No matter what you ask, people will be there to help.
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