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Bluebirds ate my face

I just tried a Bluebird Hi-Stainless blade for the first time. It kind of ate me up. Couple nicks, rough, patchy shave. It felt pretty sharp, but more dangerous-sharp than effective-sharp. The reviews are all pretty positive, so I think my skills just aren't ready for such a blade yet (numerous members pegged the Bluebirds as a step down from Feathers, which I haven't summoned the balls to try yet). One reviewer said the first shave is rougher than the rest, so I'll try another shave or two before I chicken out.
I rather dislike those blades as a cheese grater gives me less irritation then they do. I tried two different blades over a week span and I could not get through a shave with them.
When going to to a sharper blade when you are used to "less" sharp one, you can see this sort of thing happen, especially if you are still developing your skills. A long while back, I was using Treet Durasharp Stainless, a not very sharp but smooth blade, for about a month. When I started to use Treet Platinums, a significantly sharper blade, I gave myself a couple of small nicks the first day back. The Treet Platinums are a far better blade but I was so used the less sharp blade that I had subtly adjusted technique accordingly.
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FWIW, I had a similar experience with a Feather. I decided to use a Feather 3 weeks in to DE shaving, and thought to myself: "what the heck, I'll go for BBS". What a mistake. I could not shave for 4&1/2 days, and I think I was putting aloe vera on my face once every hour.

I did not use a Feather again until a few weeks ago. Result-DFS, no nicks, not even a weeper. I still am not crazy about the Feather, as I don't find it as smooth as an Iridium, which is just a tad less sharp. The moral of the story is that the really sharp blades are something you need to work your way up to.


I am always intrigued by the YMMV philosophy. Having said that, my advice is to not give up on a blade based on one bad experience. The Bluebirds are one of my favorite blades. Sharp and smooth. Technique and pressure can make a difference. Perhaps put them away for awhile and find a blade that agrees with you. Once you have done that, maybe give the Bluebirds another try. If that doesn't work, maybe try them in a different razor.
I find Bluebirds to be in the middle tier as far as sharpness goes. Not as sharp as Iridiums, Feathers, yellow 7'oclocks, Kai's; sharper than Red Personnas, Derbys, Merkur, Lords. On a par with Treet Platinums, green 7 o'clocks & Astra SS. I quite like that middle tier. But if you're cutting yourself up, maybe try a Derby until your technique is sound.
I don't know, I've had great results with both Iridiums and yellow 7'oclocks. If these are indeed comparably sharp to Bluebirds, then maybe it's not sharpness that's giving me problems. My best results so far are the yellow 7'oclocks and Israeli Personna's/Crystals.

Anyway, this morning's shave was about as unpleasant as yesterday's, minus the nicks, so I'm gonna put these Bluebirds aside for the time being. I'll try them again at some later point.

It's fun trying different blades. So far I've tried Derby verticles, Derby horizontals, Red Pack Personnas, Israeli Personnas, Crystals, Astra SP's, Iridiums, 7 O'clock Yellows, Shark Chrome, Shark Stainless, Dorco ST301, Lord Platinum, Bic Chrome Platinum, and Bluebirds. Next up... 7 O'clock Greens
I used a Bluebird in my 38c this morning with TOBS lavender soap and it gave me a wonderful close shave !!
I just tried a Bluebird Hi-Stainless blade for the first time. It kind of ate me up. Couple nicks, rough, patchy shave. It felt pretty sharp, but more dangerous-sharp than effective-sharp. The reviews are all pretty positive, so I think my skills just aren't ready for such a blade yet (numerous members pegged the Bluebirds as a step down from Feathers, which I haven't summoned the balls to try yet). One reviewer said the first shave is rougher than the rest, so I'll try another shave or two before I chicken out.

I use Feathers, Kais, Irridiums (all considered super sharp) interchangeably with Bluebirds and don't notice any appreciable difference.
Bluebirds are OK, but you have to watch out for those darn Girl Scouts...


Seriously, I think it might be a YMMV thing rather than a sharpness issue. I have no problems with Feathers, supposedly the kings of sharp, but Bluebirds and I don't play well together.

I don't think that makes 'em bad blades, but I don't think that not getting along with Bluebirds automatically makes your technique suspect, either.

When Bluebirds become the only DE blade on earth, you'll have a problem, but until then, find something that works for you and let not your heart be troubled.
A Blue bird stole my baby.


By the way, a Hoosier is someone from Kentucky who ran out of gas on the way to Chicago.
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