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Blow Drying?

Does anyone blow dry their brush? When I travel I don't like to put my damp brush back in my storage tube (it does have vent holes). I try to shake it out and rub it on a towel, then give it a once over blow dryer on medium heat, then put it in the tube. Will it damage my badger? It actually does fluff it quite nicely.

thanks for your thoughts.
It might be ok if you avoid getting any hot spots on the bristles, but I wouldn't chance it myself. The bristles are made of protein, which can be damaged by heat afaik.
You might be better off getting a decent synthetic bristle brush, like the Muhle Silvertip Fibre, which will dry much quicker and still do a good job.
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Before traveling with a synthetic brush I always used a blow dryer in a hotel. However, I never used the hot air but just warm or cool.
I have tried it with warm air and it does work well, but I would recommend a synthetic brush while traveling as they dry very quickly and you don't risk any damage to the hair.
I blow dry mine (travel brush) with cool air, but only when I need to pack it and check out on the same day. I cannot provide you long-term results from doing this, but I can't imagine there's any harm in it.
Depends how long the brush will be stored in that tube. For a couple hours drive home, I think it's sufficient to just open up the tube when you arrive. But if you're looking at a long flight, my guess is the blowdryer on low heat does less long-term damage than giving the mold spores a nice moist environment for 8 hours.
I have never blow dried my shave brush. I shave and leave it out to dry for the day. I generally shave the night before I depart, or dry it as good as I can with a towel.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have a Kent synthetic for travel and I do use the hair drier, but not too close. I think I paid $17 for the brush so it's not much of a risk - but no problems so far.
I lightly blow dry mine on "warm" and I don't hold it too close to the brush. No problems. Let's remember those badgers lilve in the wild in all kinds of weather and temperatures.
I often blow dry my travel brush when I can't leave it out for the day. Use the dryer very gently, little or no heat, low blow, and back a bit. I don't necessarily dry it completely, but enough that it will dry better before packing it away.

The real key here is gently, and after you shake it well.
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