I have been DE shaving for almost 3 weeks now. With my razors, a fellow B&Ber included a mini Blade Sampler pack (Derbys, Red Pack Personnas, Shark, Gillette 7 o'clock, Feather, Astra, maybe one or two more). For the first two weeks I used the Derbys with pretty good success. So far this week, I have used the Personna.
My question is: What criteria do you folks use for picking which blade you like? Is it strictly closeness or shave and amount of irritation? Or are there other things your are taking into account? Any help on this would be appreciated. With this sampling, hopefully I can figure out which blade (or blades) are for me.
So far, both the Derby and the Personna have given pretty close shaves with minimal irritation.
My question is: What criteria do you folks use for picking which blade you like? Is it strictly closeness or shave and amount of irritation? Or are there other things your are taking into account? Any help on this would be appreciated. With this sampling, hopefully I can figure out which blade (or blades) are for me.
So far, both the Derby and the Personna have given pretty close shaves with minimal irritation.