Hi im new here to B&B, i have been wet shaving with a merkur 23c for about 8 months now. Up until recently i have only used derby extra blades and a single merkur blade that i didnt care for but it was probably just my technique at the time. I recently tried some wegmans branded asr blades and it seemed i would have been better off shaving with an axe. They kept giving me weepers even though i was being very careful as it was one of my first new blades. I dont mind the derby extras but they cause some irritation by the end of my third pass and touch ups. I just ordered some astra sp's, crystals, and some red personnas in the uk packaging from west coast shaving i was looking for advice as to which order is should try them in. The derbys seem to be sharp enough just lack the comfort and smoothness i am looking for. Your advice would be greatly appreciated