I'm really enjoying the Perma Sharp Super at the moment, a lovely smooth and close shave in my DE89. I have a fairly coarse beard and that blade makes light work of it, and it is one of the longest lasting blades I've tried too.
My humble advice is to get a Blade Sampler and try however which amount per blade brand before moving on to the next blade.
Also, long ago when I received my Sampler, I started a Thread entitled "In what Order should I test these Sampler Razor Blades?", and the best advice was from member Optometrist a.k.a David who stated;
"I say jump straight in with the Feathers [and then the KAI's]. Yes, they are sharp, but you learn very quickly to let the weight of the razor do the work for you. If you can get the feather right, then it's plain sailing with the others. A few nicks and cuts early on are nothing to worry about and stand you in good stead. Start with a lesser blade and it's a continual learning process as you step up the level of sharpness".
Also, member Npsarros stated, "Keep a spreadsheet with every shave [you], have taken, rating each blade as [you], go along". My spread data ratings reads in columns as follows;
a) Razor Blade / Country / Type
b) Sharpness? (aggressive, moderate sharpness, mild sharpness, tugging or pulling, ect...).
c) Closeness of Shave? (DFS, CCS, BBS, ect...).
d) Smoothness/Roughness of Shave? (moderately smooth, very smooth, very,very smooth, ect...).
e) Comfort of Shave? (no irratation, slight irratation, touch of burn, itching, ect...).
f) Overall Rating? (awesome, great, passable or unpleasant).
g) Compatible with your Razor(s)? (yes or no).
PM me with your e-mail address and I will send you my workable spread sheet example.
I found this blade to be 'awesome', moderately sharp (almost as sharp as a KAI, but much smoother & cheaper), forgiving and perfect with no pulling or tugging, very, very smooth, (albeit a 'weeper' now & then..but zero 'nicks'), no irritation and/or razor burn that 99.9% of the time results in CCS's in 3 passes (WTG, CTG & ATG), with 2 great shaves per blade
(I shave every-other day with Saturdays as my shaving 'day off'),...and are very compatible with both of my Merkur 23C & 38C razors.
Oh, before I forget, below is the link for my Thread entitled "In what Order should I test these Sampler Razor Blades?".