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Blade Recommendations for a (Relative) Noob?

I started DE shaving about two months ago, with a EJD89. I have sensitive skin with light growth on my cheeks and chin, but very thick coarse growth on my neck and lip.

Anyway to get down to business, the razor came with a pack of Derbys and I also threw in a pack each of Feathers, Astra Superior Platinum, and green Gillette 7 o'clocks. The Derby worked well till I went to go against the grain on my neck/under jaw when they started to tug and pull horribly, but I stuck with it used up two of the blades over a week and then gave up on them completely.

The Feathers worked well, but once again really irritated my neck and gave me razor burn something fierce, even after going through the whole pack it didn't get better. However they did do the best so far on my cheeks and sideburns.

The green 7s performed surprisingly well with only moderate irritation on my neck. Now the shining star in this whole ordeal were the Astras, they glided through my neck area beautifully with very minimal irritation.

I'm running low on blades so I thought I'd get some recommendations on what to try next from people who knew more and may even have the same issues I do.
Astros are hard to beat cmight want to try Wilkinson Classics made in the UK not made in Germany. Very smooth and sharp. Israeli personas will be even sharper but more care might be needed on your neck to avoid irritation. Be sure to use very little pressure on the blade.
Welcome to B&B!

If you notice, it seems like each new blade performed better than the last kind. Since you're just starting, I'm guessing that has more to do with your technique steadily improving than differences in blades.

Since Astra's seem to work pretty well for you, pick up a 100 pack for $10 and go through all of them while you perfect your technique, then buy a blade sample pack and see if there's something else you prefer.
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