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Blade Choice for a Broken Blade Shavette

In several different threads I've posted that I hate shavettes because they are blood letters from hell. A couple of people who use shavettes said that they felt the blade choice was important and made a big difference. I've tried several different kinds of blades (Shark, Dorco, 7 O'clock) but haven't found a blade that makes me comfortable when using them.

My experience with the better blade holders (Feather, Kai, CJB, etc) confirms that blade choice can make a significant difference. I suspect the implement you use to hold the broken blade is important, too.

If you use (or have used) a shavette, what blade choice did you settle on that gave the most comfortable shave?
I have used the Dovo shavette and settled on Astra SP and Perma Sharp.
Still harsh and blood letting but somewhat less harsh and blood letting than the others.
I have had good results from Derby's despite poor results in DE... its a whole different experience to DE and Straights you've just got to try everything you have to find something that works.
I'm using Lord SE blades in my Parker and Bluebeard. Fromm blade for the Wecks (they were cheaper than Personna).
I have found (could just be my imagination) that stropping the blades, before use, makes them a bit mellower (is that a word?).
Astra SPs or Israeli Reds are the only ones that work really well for me. My beard is too tough for Derbys. I haven't tried anything sharper than Astras, as I'd like to keep most of my blood in my body.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I didn't find too much difference between the various blades. A low angle and low pressure seemed to have more effect on razor burn and irritation than the blade used. YMMV of course :).
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