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Blackland Blackbird vs. Outlaw standard plate

Hello gents, I am about to buy a Blackbird, and have an Outlaw. If you used both, how do you compare these two razors? Which one do you like more?
Thanks for your information. Have nice shaves.


Cool and slimy
Assuming we talk about the original Outlaw and not the new Outlaw Evo, which I don't have: The Blackbird is for sure nicer on the skin as the Outlaw is fairly aggressive, while the Outlaw can also give a closer shave, with higher chance for cuts or skin irritation.

The original Outlaw isn't that clamped down, the blade has not much support from above and is stick out and it is a very loud razor.

"Much less blade feel" just irritated me, I rather say the Outlaw has with a SB more bladefeel than the Blackbird even with the OC.

"Over 300% more blade clamped area giving less blade chatter" is a statement by Alpha, I wonder if the Outlaw EVOLUTION still sings as the original Outlaw did.

P.S. there was once a "Bandit" head by Alpha, but it never got past the passaround stage. The changes to the Outlaw head seem significant enough to give it another name, and the meaning of the name Bandit is after all quite the same as Outlaw. What will be the name of the third evolution? Evo Leap?
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Assuming we talk about the original Outlaw and not the new Outlaw Evo, which I don't have: The Blackbird is for sure nicer on the skin as the Outlaw is fairly aggressive, while the Outlaw can also give a closer shave, with higher chance for cuts or skin irritation.

The original Outlaw isn't that clamped down, the blade has not much support from above and is stick out and it is a very loud razor.

"Much less blade feel" just irritated me, I rather say the Outlaw has with a SB more bladefeel than the Blackbird even with the OC.

"Over 300% more blade clamped area giving less blade chatter" is a statement by Alpha, I wonder if the Outlaw EVOLUTION still sings as the original Outlaw did.

Outlaw: less blade feel, more chatter.

Blackbird: more blade feel, less chatter.

Efficiency: blackbird > outlaw

I hope you're less irritated now.


Cool and slimy
I hope you're less irritated now.

The only thing I would agree to in your statement is that the Blackbird has less chatter.

I know you can't even get a better shave from a R41 then a Blackbird and that's causing me irritation. But thankfully no cuts, buddy. 😀✌️
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The only thing I would agree to in your statement is that the Blackbird has less chatter.

I know you can't even get a better shave from a R41 then a Blackbird and that's causing me irritation. But thankfully no cuts, buddy. 😀✌️

For me, the R41 is over-hyped.
I get a much closer shave with the blackbird.
I had the 2011 R41 which was rubbish.
Current version is a good open comb but nothing special.

The reputation of the original R41 carried over to the remake but it's not deserved as the current one is nothing extraordinary compared to many other OC razors.


Cool and slimy
The reputation of the original R41 carried over to the remake
Yeah, the beastly moniker and a fabled shaving quality of the 2011 cap/model. I very much like the later caps with more support from above, the shave still gets extremely close to the point of epilating the upper skin layer.

I very much agree that it is possible to get very good shaves of a similar level with way less risk and easier handling. 👍

The R41 is probably responsible for me usually shaving steep. I also do that with the Outlaw, where it does scrape away very good, but not everyone likes that style. It's also what I like about the Timeless Slim.

The Blackbird is much smoother and rather cutting, the angle rather shallow. I had to adjust to that. Some regularly state they shave steep with the Blackbird, which makes me wonder how, why, but they like it.

At Alpha there are no "Outlaws" for sale anymore, but only the new Outlaw Evo models.

They are likely to have about as much in common in characteristics as the Outlaw and the Blackbird. Smaller changes often change the characteristics of a razor completely.

Let's see what Outlaw model the OP has and how much he will like it compared to the Blackbird. It's going to be a very different experience.

While I gave a lot of credit to the Outlaw, over time I preferred the Blackbird and many other razors. I am still curious about the Evo model nevertheless. 🤔
Yeah, the beastly moniker and a fabled shaving quality of the 2011 cap/model. I very much like the later caps with more support from above, the shave still gets extremely close to the point of epilating the upper skin layer.

I very much agree that it is possible to get very good shaves of a similar level with way less risk and easier handling. 👍

The R41 is probably responsible for me usually shaving steep. I also do that with the Outlaw, where it does scrape away very good, but not everyone likes that style. It's also what I like about the Timeless Slim.

The Blackbird is much smoother and rather cutting, the angle rather shallow. I had to adjust to that. Some regularly state they shave steep with the Blackbird, which makes me wonder how, why, but they like it.

At Alpha there are no "Outlaws" for sale anymore, but only the new Outlaw Evo models.

They are likely to have about as much in common in characteristics as the Outlaw and the Blackbird. Smaller changes often change the characteristics of a razor completely.

Let's see what Outlaw model the OP has and how much he will like it compared to the Blackbird. It's going to be a very different experience.

While I gave a lot of credit to the Outlaw, over time I preferred the Blackbird and many other razors. I am still curious about the Evo model nevertheless. 🤔

I didn't enjoy the outlaw at all.
And the slight blade alignment issue was annoying and even more annoying was the nonchalant response from the owner of alpha shaving! So I won't be buying anything further from the brand!

I'm relation to blackbird angle, I suspect someone with lighter beard growth can get away with a steep angle.
I definitely can't as it feels like the blade is scraping against the stubble instead of cutting it.
I use a slightly shallow angle. Not too shallow but a few degrees up from neutral.
@nav @Iridian @Felix G @hduty thank you for your feedbacks. I bought a Blackbird ss and I want to share my shaving experiences.

Blackbird has much more blade feel than the Outlaw. But in the end, efficiencies are not quite different. Outlaw does almost the same job with much less blade feel.

In the other hand, Blackbird ss is not a very smooth razor with machined finish. Outlaw is much more smoother and the smoothest razor in my den with its mirror-like polished finish.

I would see at least basic polished finish like rr Game Changers for a 200$ razor. Blackbird is not a bad razor but I think this is a big fault for a 200$ razor.
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@nav @Iridian @Felix G @hduty thank you for your feedbacks. I bought a Blackbird ss and I want to share my shaving experiences.

Blackbird has much more blade feel than the Outlaw. But in the end, efficiencies are not quite different. Outlaw does almost the same job with much less blade feel.

In the other hand, Blackbird ss is not a very smooth razor with machined finish. Outlaw is much more smoother and the smoothest razor in my den with its mirror-like polished finish.

I would see at least basic polished finish like rr Game Changers for a 200$ razor. Blackbird is not a bad razor but I think this is a big fault for a 200$ razor.

Try tilting the handle up a few degrees.
It shouldn't feel rough. Yes, you'll feel the blade a lot but it should still be smooth and not at all rough on the skin.

However, if you find outlaw efficient enough, you may not have a need for the blackbird to begin with. I found the outlaw too inefficient.


Cool and slimy
@kaankkaraman I got the polished version for a reason. I also like the Alpha/RazoRock type of finish, Yates also does some touch ups and their machined finish is wonderful. It's a pity we see so often very raw or bead blasted only these days, many makers don't even offer a polished finish anymore.

But I think I can help you with the Blackbird and too much blade feel. That simply shouldn't be the case, particularly not compared to the Outlaw.

Initially I started with the Blackbird OC and shaved STEEP with it, it's simply what I got used to from my previous razors. That was not good at all, not the right way.

Rather shave shallow / ride the cap more and it will become super smooth. ⚠️

I actually also believe the Blackbird is much smoother than the Outlaw, really!

Do you perhaps have the new Outlaw Evo? If you do, gotcha... you will have to tell me more about it! 😜


Cool and slimy
BTW, when referring to smooth... I always thought of the shaving quality/type of shave, not of the finish of a razor.
@kaankkaraman I got the polished version for a reason. I also like the Alpha/RazoRock type of finish, Yates also does some touch ups and their machined finish is wonderful. It's a pity we see so often very raw or bead blasted only these days, many makers don't even offer a polished finish anymore.

But I think I can help you with the Blackbird and too much blade feel. That simply shouldn't be the case, particularly not compared to the Outlaw.

Initially I started with the Blackbird OC and shaved STEEP with it, it's simply what I got used to from my previous razors. That was not good at all, not the right way.

Rather shave shallow / ride the cap more and it will become super smooth. ⚠️

I actually also believe the Blackbird is much smoother than the Outlaw, really!

Do you perhaps have the new Outlaw Evo? If you do, gotcha... you will have to tell me more about it! 😜
I have the first gen… But thinking to buy evo these days :) :)
@nav @Iridian @Felix G @hduty thank you for your feedbacks. I bought a Blackbird ss and I want to share my shaving experiences.

Blackbird has much more blade feel than the Outlaw. But in the end, efficiencies are not quite different. Outlaw does almost the same job with much less blade feel.

In the other hand, Blackbird ss is not a very smooth razor with machined finish. Outlaw is much more smoother and the smoothest razor in my den with its mirror-like polished finish.

I would see at least basic polished finish like rr Game Changers for a 200$ razor. Blackbird is not a bad razor but I think this is a big fault for a 200$ razor.
Yes, the Outlaw (Evo in my case) is a great razor.
And I agree about the BB finish: it is surprisingly draggy, much more so than you would expect by simply looking at the finish and touching it. It's a bit of a letdown at that price point.


Is it swell time?
I shaved with the Outlaw Classic for the first time this morning. It was a superb shave, but I had a superb shave with the Blackbird stainless (I have the polished version) this Thursday as well. The Blackbird definitely has more blade feel which is super obvious as the exposure is twice that of the Outlaw razor (0.10 versus .05.). The gap on the other hand is larger for the Outlaw compared to the Blackbird. The Outlaw for me is the more comfortable and smoother shaver.

My personal feel is that because of the higher gap the Outlaw has more opportunity to bend the blade leading to a potentially smoother shave. The Blackbird for me should be used riding the design of the cap which then of course adjusts the angle of attack by the blade. I personally do not mind blade feel by the way. In fact I might even prefer it compared to neutral or negative exposure razors. I like effectiveness.

I agree with the OP @kaankkaraman that the results between the two razors - based on this week’s shaves with both of them - are very similar indeed. The Outlaw EVO has a lower gap and maybe? lower exposure so I assume that would lead to a different shave. The Classic however really ticked all the boxes for me this morning.
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