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Black Handle Super Adjustables

Hey guys,
I finally tracked down a second 1978 black handle Super Adjustable and now I have a question. On the first one I found, when the TTO knob is tightened down it just stops, like a regular Super Speed and the like. On the one I found today, when the knob is tightened down it has the little quarter "lock down" turn, (I think there is a better term for this but I can't think of it at the moment.) like a Slim or Fat Boy has. Are the Super Adjustables supposed to have the lock down turn? It makes sense, since the other adjustable models have it but I never really thought about it until today.
Hey guys,
I finally tracked down a second 1978 black handle Super Adjustable and now I have a question. On the first one I found, when the TTO knob is tightened down it just stops, like a regular Super Speed and the like. On the one I found today, when the knob is tightened down it has the little quarter "lock down" turn, (I think there is a better term for this but I can't think of it at the moment.) like a Slim or Fat Boy has. Are the Super Adjustables supposed to have the lock down turn? It makes sense, since the other adjustable models have it but I never really thought about it until today.

Not sure, I just scored a 70 super adjustable this morning and it has the lock down turn feature.
Thanks for checking, Rob. I'm assuming that they should lock down, but you know what they say when you assume... you might be wrong:wink:
At any rate, I hope my first one is faulty as I was never really satisfied with the shaves I got from it. Maybe the lock does something good to the blade, like lock it down or something:rolleyes:
Thanks for checking, Rob. I'm assuming that they should lock down, but you know what they say when you assume... you might be wrong:wink:
At any rate, I hope my first one is faulty as I was never really satisfied with the shaves I got from it. Maybe the lock does something good to the blade, like lock it down or something:rolleyes:

I hope you're right, I'm eagerly awaiting to try out my first adjustable tomorrow. My SS is good but I think RAD is kicking in :redface:
I've got six super adjustables in my collection (long and short black handles) of various vintages. All but one have the quarter turn. The one that doesn't is not as mechanically smooth as the others.

Hope this helps!
I've got six super adjustables in my collection (long and short black handles) of various vintages. All but one have the quarter turn. The one that doesn't is not as mechanically smooth as the others.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for your input ctakim. It looks like, as the rest of the adjustable line, the Supers are supposed to have the last quarter turn. Darn, I guess I need to be on the look-out for another Y-2:lol:
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