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black badger knot

I have. They are pretty scritchy. In my opinion it was a soft knot, but it had a little too much scritch to enjoy the shave fully. Some like that though. I did have a high loft on it, so it might depend on what you set it at. As always, YMMV. The only way you'll know if you like it is to try one out yourself.
I don't have a broad range of experience with brushes. I have a tweezerman an bought both a silver tip and a black badger from TGN. I love the black badger. It has a big full bloom and some serious "scritch". I don't use it on day's my skin is feeling sensitive but have really enjoyed it. I let mu brother in-law take a brush to learn on, but he wasnt allowed to take the black badger, but he couldnt handle it either.

Plus, I love the looks
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