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BL Sponsors/Vendors?


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I was wondering if there are any B&B sponsors or supporting vendors that sell Brown Leaf supplies? I have a great brick and mortar store in town (Rich's in Portland), but I'd like to branch out and try some things that aren't available locally (mostly pipe tabacco) and try to support our sponsors whenever possible. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or, if there aren't any BL vendors, feel free to point me to your favorite non-sponsoring vendors. Thanks!
Since the sale, trade, PIF'ing, gifting, what-not of tobacco and tobacco-containing products is verboten on B&B, we don't have any BL sponsors or vendors, but like Boris said, there are a few well-respected sites we all use. All the ones he mentioned are top notch, I will add only one: http://www.4noggins.com/
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