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Bison straight razor?

I've been thinking about getting a Bison wallet as I've heard such good things about them. In my research, I came across this video of theirs and it appears like they are making a straight razor in the video. Has anyone tried this razor? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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I was wondering the same after checking Bison out and getting one of their horse strops. Figure a email to them might be in order. The strop by the way, has a very nice draw and works like a charm. I would risk a razor from them if I could find one.
Beautiful studio. Nicely made video.

Hard to tell what the straight ends up looking like detail wise. Maybe send them email?
I messed around on their website and found a few pictures on their blog.

It looks like they worked with Max Sprecher on the razor. Nice design but doesn't seem like its for sale. They also have bison strops but they're expensive at $250 a pop.
They have a range of strops. The $250 ones are cordovan. They have other more affordable leathers as well. Nicely made with top notch hardware.
They have a range of strops. The $250 ones are cordovan. They have other more affordable leathers as well. Nicely made with top notch hardware.

Thanks I just looked again and saw them. After SRAD calms down maybe ill look into them.
They have a range of strops. The $250 ones are cordovan. They have other more affordable leathers as well. Nicely made with top notch hardware.

yes after the shaving101 review I have been thinking about getting one of these!
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