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Birthday shopping!

So I've been a member here since last year, but I never really got sucked into wet shaving until I started shaving in the shower and got some C.O. Bigelow a few months back. I can say that now I am completely addicted, I shave every day and wish I could shave more often, but I've also kept my purchases to a BARE minimum.

I started out with the EJ89 and settled quickly on Astra SP, 100 pack of those being my first big purchase. As my technique got better I wanted better blades, and got 100 pack of Feathers...but before they could get here (they're still not here! real soon though), I'm not looking into ordering some Personna meds.

Well, after wrapping my head over all the options available, I decided on ordering some of the LA Shaving soaps! I've read so many good things about them and have been wanting to try them for a while, so I figured I'd go ahead and ordered the Santa Monica Bay Rum and a Topanga Fouger for my birthday, coming up on Nov 5th!

Can't wait to try these, and I already got a few more things lined up for X-mas. Thinking of getting the Razorock slab razor, a Synergy and PPF soap, and maybe a La Toja so I can have a shave stick, just because.

I've kept my purchases low...but every time I buy something, I just want to get everything! Sometime in the future I'll need to upgrade my brush. I have an eye on the Mhule STF, but it's a bit too pricey for me right now.
Easiest way to keep it cheap is to buy vintage "shaveable" razors off Ebay. To date I've gotten an Old Type, a 1912 SE, SuperSpeed, and a gold NEW (with almost all the gold plate intact) for a grand total of $30. The key is to find people who don't know what they've got.
Yup! I definitely gotta keep my ADs in check lol!

SantoSubito I'm with you on that one. I really like the handle on the Slab and that'll probably be the last modern razor I get, at least for a while. I have many vintage razors I'm going to be looking for.

I gotta make a proper "shave den" so I can keep everything nice and tidy. I have a drawer, that's it, and there isn't much room anymore lol. Once I figure that out I'll really be able to go crazy! So many soaps I want to try, and I need to branch out on aftershaves too.
Yup! I definitely gotta keep my ADs in check lol!

SantoSubito I'm with you on that one. I really like the handle on the Slab and that'll probably be the last modern razor I get, at least for a while. I have many vintage razors I'm going to be looking for.

I gotta make a proper "shave den" so I can keep everything nice and tidy. I have a drawer, that's it, and there isn't much room anymore lol. Once I figure that out I'll really be able to go crazy! So many soaps I want to try, and I need to branch out on aftershaves too.

There's just something about vintage that makes some of us go mad, isn't there? But what I really get a kick out of is thinking if I live to be 100 and I'm shaving with an Old Type it would be the equivalent of my grandfather shaving with something from the 1750's. Of course if I live that long they'll probably be some kind of automatic laser that shaves your face like that blue cube from star trek.
I've kept my purchases low...but every time I buy something, I just want to get everything!

I feel your pain. I've made 7 online orders in the past 2 months. Mostly small but a couple included new razors which upped the ante considerably.
I really need my own shaving den but I have to share with the wife who owns 98% of the real-estate, grrr:mad3:.
Make sure you let us know how you like the LA soaps. I've been looking at those as my next putchase but there's not too much info posted on them yet.
I received the soaps, along with a freebie sampler of the woody lavender soap. They smell amazing. I'll be trying the Topanga Fougere in a while and post up how it is. Can't believe how fast the shipping was!
I also have a November 5th birthday and am a newbie to the world of wet shaving.
While my purchases have been small so far, my wife has purchased for me, a Muhle brush and a a New Zealand made Kauri wood stand.
The stand is a beauty. The Kauri wood has a light golden color on some parts of the grain and looks great in the bathrom. The brush has a plum wood handle and complements the stand nicely.
I believe the Muhle brush are quite nice, Rockit64. I think that's the brand that I'm looking into. The sand sounds beautiful too. Do you have any pictures of them?

Congrats on your birthday!
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