I should preface this by saying for almost the first 20 years of shaving, ever since I was 12 years old, I shaved with cartridges. Sometimes I would shave in the shower no canned goo, sometimes with canned goo, but never very often or comfortably. Fast forward to sometime last year and a work colleague recommended I try DE wet shaving. I bought Leisurguy's book, started lurking here, watching Mantic's videos, basically learning all I could before deciding that this was the life for me. I started a whole 8 weeks ago today after placing an order on amazon for some gear. It's been a great journey so far, my almost permanent razor burn and ingrown hairs at the base of my neck have all but cleared and I'm getting smoother and more comfortable shaves as my technique improves, and it has improved by reading this site and listening to everyone's advice. I now enjoy shaving immensely, drive SWMBO nuts by talking about it, and started to acquire some mild RAD.
This all brings me to today. Thanks to the immense generosity of otto76 and rockviper, I now have a custom scaled straight razor, a paddle strop, a new synthetic brush, some Mama Bear's soap and a small case of nerves. I overcame these nerves, and a wicked head cold, and shaved tonight with some of my new gear.
I didn't want to change too much about my shaving routine so I stuck with making a super lather and my usual prep, I was quite a bit more thorough than usual about it this time though.
Here's how my shave went tonight
I started with a shower and did a hot towel to the face for several minutes, I wanted to make sure my beard was as soft as it could be. I had a two day growth after a BBS shave for a wedding which is slightly more than a normal one day growth after my DFS's.
I then slapped on a generous amount of Proraso ultra sensitive pre-shave cream.
I whipped up a super lather of Proraso white soap and Proraso green cream using my Omega #10083 brush which is enormous. After lathering up I set to work of removing some whiskers and hopefully not visiting the ER. I completed two WTG passes on my cheeks and my neck, even used my left hand for the first time ever shaving. No nicks, no weepers, the only casualty is a small chunk out of my goatee. I finished with a XTG pass with my 1949(ish) Gillette Superspeed. I now have a DFS almost no irritation and I still have all of my face.
Thanks again to otto76 and rockviper for the gear, this is going to be fun learning. At first the straight shaves will have to be reserved for night shaving and weekends when I have some time, but I'm hoping to work it into my regular rotation and make each one a DFS even if I have to lean on my DE for some help.
Pictures coming up soon as soon as I upload them on my computer.
This all brings me to today. Thanks to the immense generosity of otto76 and rockviper, I now have a custom scaled straight razor, a paddle strop, a new synthetic brush, some Mama Bear's soap and a small case of nerves. I overcame these nerves, and a wicked head cold, and shaved tonight with some of my new gear.
I didn't want to change too much about my shaving routine so I stuck with making a super lather and my usual prep, I was quite a bit more thorough than usual about it this time though.
Here's how my shave went tonight
I started with a shower and did a hot towel to the face for several minutes, I wanted to make sure my beard was as soft as it could be. I had a two day growth after a BBS shave for a wedding which is slightly more than a normal one day growth after my DFS's.
I then slapped on a generous amount of Proraso ultra sensitive pre-shave cream.
I whipped up a super lather of Proraso white soap and Proraso green cream using my Omega #10083 brush which is enormous. After lathering up I set to work of removing some whiskers and hopefully not visiting the ER. I completed two WTG passes on my cheeks and my neck, even used my left hand for the first time ever shaving. No nicks, no weepers, the only casualty is a small chunk out of my goatee. I finished with a XTG pass with my 1949(ish) Gillette Superspeed. I now have a DFS almost no irritation and I still have all of my face.

Thanks again to otto76 and rockviper for the gear, this is going to be fun learning. At first the straight shaves will have to be reserved for night shaving and weekends when I have some time, but I'm hoping to work it into my regular rotation and make each one a DFS even if I have to lean on my DE for some help.
Pictures coming up soon as soon as I upload them on my computer.