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Bing VS. Beeng

What say ye:

  • "Bing"

  • "Beeng"

  • Bacon

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I've always liked the look of beeng more than bing. I think both are acceptable, but bing may be more official, at least according to Babelcarp;

Bing Cha = (饼茶 or 餅茶) [3,2] Tea, usually Pu'er, compressed into thick disks, literally Cake Tea. Because the compression is less than in Pu'er bricks (Zhuancha), the leaves are more likely to be whole. Also: (冰茶) [1,2] Iced Tea

When you look up beeng on Babelcarp, it redirects you to bing.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I presume it's Bing because in Pinyin it would be pronounced "beeng".
If it were spelled beeng, then it would be pronounced sort of like "behr ehrng"

Is that not correct?
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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
It's bing, and I have proof. Here is an advertisement for a cake of Menghai's Peacock of Bada.
^ Nice proof ouch...

In pinyin its 'bing', beeng has been used on puerh wrappers since long ago so its kept its tradition of printing it as beeng although I've noticed that some previously incorrect pinyin on some puerh wrapper/nei piao has been refined.
It isn't nice to laugh at someone's name. I'm sure Shablee is a perfectly nice girl. She has a wonderful personality.

WARNING: Do not google image search that name! You *will* regret it.
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