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Big box of NOS blades - anyone used these?

Hey gang!

Anyone have any experience with these blades below? My friendly neighbourhood antique shop gave me a call when they got these in - asking ~$20 which doesn't seem too bad if the blades are worth rocking.

I checked one out - each is double wrapped and look mint.

Think these will shave good? Anyone familiar with this brand?


Judging by the fact that Barber brand Injector Blades are made by Personna ( badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/306042-Barber-Injector-Blades ) and I have bulk Personna blades in similar packaging (same box, but used inside-out Personna labels to wrap them, these are ASR store brand razor blades or if you are lucky rebranded Personna's. The store branded ASR's from the 70's can seem very dull. The ones from the 60's are a little more aggressive. Try them and report back!
From Collectors's Guide to American Razor Blades by Phillip Krumholz, page 36:

Barber Blade, The - TM of the Barber Razor Blade Co. (aka Bulk Razor Blade Co.) of Aurora, Il. The company was run by Glenn Mitchell, who believed in selling his products through barber shops. An advertising motto was "Sold in babershops - ask your barber!" One advertisement states "Since 1930" and it is believed that the firm lasted throughout most of the 1950s.

There is also a picture of your blade listed here with a note Single Blade, $1-2.:

Barber Razor Blade Co. - See The Barber Blade. Also, there is a more recent firm of the same name which was located about 1970 at 1628 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, CA. This firm was operated by Louis and Anna Banks.

Hey gang!

Anyone have any experience with these blades below? My friendly neighbourhood antique shop gave me a call when they got these in - asking ~$20 which doesn't seem too bad if the blades are worth rocking.

I checked one out - each is double wrapped and look mint.

Think these will shave good? Anyone familiar with this brand?


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