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Big Ben safety razor

I bought this razor today, although I had seen it some time ago. I believe I have only come across one picture of a Big Ben and really have no information about it. I don't think this one has ever been used, although there is a small chip in the hinge. If anyone can give me any information I would appreciate it. With the shipper it is a nice addition to my collection.

I got a NOS last week or there abouts. I've shaved with it for a whole week with no problems. I cant tell how old it is just it's made in England, solid brass, regular blades and shaves real smooth. The handle fits all other razors apart from the Fatip.

Here's mine,

$Big Ben.jpg
I gave the Big Ben a try, it was a little too aggressive for me, but my razor of choice is a Fat handled Tech I also got some old shave sticks, I tried one but it refused to lather.The Big Ben is a nice looking razor that I had no intention of using, but it was nice to give a trial run.
An OC would be quite a step up from a tech I have one myself but it doesn't get much use as it's too mild for my preferences. What blade did you use?
An OC would be quite a step up from a tech I have one myself but it doesn't get much use as it's too mild for my preferences. What blade did you use?

I used a Feather blade, I most likely should of tried something milder. For DE's I still love the lowly Fat handled tech.
I got a NOS last week or there abouts. I've shaved with it for a whole week with no problems. I cant tell how old it is just it's made in England, solid brass, regular blades and shaves real smooth. The handle fits all other razors apart from the Fatip.

Here's mine,

View attachment 309986

I have known of this razor for a year and couldn't find out much about it, kind of neat that you have one with the shipper as well.
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Niiice. I applaud you for giving it a trial run. In the same vain I went from Ej to a Senator which is an OC and boy did I get schooled.
A personan red is a good blade to ease you in, smooth and very forgiving
BTW I wouldn't call the tech lowly its a real workhorse of a razor!
I'll go out on a limb here and say that Big Ben was made by Souplex

edit: That is the case the Souplex came in, but it does say "combless" which seems contradictory.

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I'll go out on a limb here and say that Big Ben was made by Souplex

edit: That is the case the Souplex came in, but it does say "combless" which seems contradictory.


Jim: I think you have it. How do you rate the razor? I feel that the quality is somewhat lacking.
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I'll go out on a limb here and say that Big Ben was made by Souplex

edit: That is the case the Souplex came in, but it does say "combless" which seems contradictory.


First thought i got when i seen the OP's picture was it reminded me of my souplex :D
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It would appear that my paragon also happen to be another brand name made by them, as its identical as well.

BTW, I use feathers in mine and get a great shave, plus it sings quite the song while cutting, I will have to weigh it to be exact but I find it is quite heavy compared to any of my gillette's, my initial thought was it may have been stainless steel or something ?
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Gents, I have added a note about these brand names to the wiki, at http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Souplex. Apparently the advertising for Souplex, BigBen, and Paragon was all done by the same company, which makes it even more likely that Souplex made them all. Unfortunately I could not turn up any actual adverts, but Souplex seemed to be making blades in England from about 1926, and making razors by 1933. After about 1960 they seem to have dropped shaving to concentrate on plastics, like those cases.

What is the connection between Souplex in England and the modern Souplex blades from Germany? I found a few references to Souplex as a German blademaker in the 1930s, but nothing informative. Was the English company originally a subsidiary of the German one, but separated during WWII?
gearchow, those pics are great. Are those razors hollow then, the pics seem to show that, the Big ben is solid brass in the handle. I wouldnt say they were low end either IMHO, they would be on par with say a Gillette fat tech. Same kinda set up, mass produced to get the job done. I like mine and run with a Shark SS or Astra SP. So far great shaves with no probs.
Gents, I have added a note about these brand names to the wiki, at http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Souplex. Apparently the advertising for Souplex, BigBen, and Paragon was all done by the same company, which makes it even more likely that Souplex made them all. Unfortunately I could not turn up any actual adverts, but Souplex seemed to be making blades in England from about 1926, and making razors by 1933. After about 1960 they seem to have dropped shaving to concentrate on plastics, like those cases.

What is the connection between Souplex in England and the modern Souplex blades from Germany? I found a few references to Souplex as a German blademaker in the 1930s, but nothing informative. Was the English company originally a subsidiary of the German one, but separated during WWII?


This doesn't add much more at all, but it's a difficult company history to track down. At least with a company like Wardonia, one can still find catalogs.



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