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BGE Grill Extender

For you fellow eggheads out there, eggheadforum.com is having a group buy on a grill extender that looks really neat. It allows you to add a second grill and also swing it out of the way to get to the bottom grill. This is one accessory I don't have yet. I do have the cast iron swinging grill that works good when you want to use cast iron, but this looks lighter and simpler.
This looks pretty neat! Don't have the BGE, but the "Bubba Keg" comes with an upper grate that utilizes a hole in the cast iron 'main' grate to do the same thing. Mine, unfortunately now has a bit of a sag due to the Great Pork Butt Cremation of '09. Will have to spec this out to see if it will work!
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