So you think you're a Winner now? You've found a nice clean hobby you can enjoy. You know what I'm saying, they all say it. Get back to the basics and improve your shave technique. Well, congratulations, enjoy your new Sunday shave routine, but beware!
Here at B&B we try to foster as many shaving addictions as possible.

We start you off with the easy stuff, brushes and "software" like Shaving Creams, and Colognes. We encourage you to try the "gateway" razors like a mild Gillette TTO or adjustable.
Later you're trying out Pre-shave oils, Balms and Uberlather. Then we get you interested in more aggressive blades. Someone PIFs you a sampler pack with Feathers, Russian and Israeli blades.
Maybe you move on to SEs. Well be careful there's a reason its called an "injector"! Next step is an Open Comb DE or an Ever-Ready SE. You start trolling ebay for razors or brushes to add to your collection.

Then you start searching for the elusive BBS shave. You experiment with Straight Razors. You start "Chasing the Edge" by honing on film or costly JNATs.

You're checking your face for stubble at Noon and planning that second shave as soon as you get home. You can't sleep at night, all hopped up on adrenaline because there is a new razor in the mail, or you can't wait to work your way through the Dozen Samples from Mike's Natural or QCS.
Before you know it you are broke. Your dog has left you. The parakeet is dead because you forgot to feed it. SWMBO has kicked you out of the Master Bathroom. You have so many products you can't see the sink.
... but you know you've absolutely hit rock bottom when you find yourself up at 4:00 am jonesing for some Derby's and a Parker or Cadet razor.

Oh, the tragedy!!!