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Best way to pick up a #66?

I'm really trying to curb my RAD and thin down my small collection to one or two razors for daily use and then maybe one or two collectible grade razors just to keep around.

You see them pop up on the BST every once in a while but obviously they are rare. So with the help of B&B, I was wondering where you guys can point me to in order to get one of these without breaking the bank?
I picked up a NOS #66 about 1.5 years ago (you can see mine at Achim's website here:
http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/One-Piece solid guard bar/1950s British No 66 from Stephen.jpg .

It took a little patience because the BST forums here and on "shavemyface.com" didn't have too many #66's and someone else would keep snagging them.

I posted a "Want to Buy" on both sites, and I got very lucky. The member I bought it from was fantastic to deal with, and I paid a fair price (I think it was Euro 150 if I remember correctly).
I wish you luck, because it really is a beautiful razor, and it is well worth having. Persistence and patience will pay off. Good luck!

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