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Best Soap Line For Face Lathering?


B&B membership has its percs
Well, that's a very long story .. there are about as many opinions as , hem, faces .. I rotate through a bunch, from Mama Bear's to Tabac.

Since you are new I'd suggest picking up a glycerin soap from Mama Bear that sounds like an enjoyable scent to you, then find some Tabac for a tallow based soap.
Sorry, man.

There is no "best". As stated, the preferences range very widely. I expect you'll receive some very solid and helpful recommendation.

I'll suggest Mike's Natural or QCS. You choose the scent.

Good luck.
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I was forced to start face lathering on the road when my travel scuttle broke. I continued my business trip for another two weeks. Mitchell's Wool Fat was the soap I was packing...and it was terrific. I got some advice from TOFLAC-U members, and I had a great time face lathering. I am practicing at home this week...loving Irisch Moos cream.
Any soap that you like for bowl lathering will probably be great for face lathering. I use Tabac and Arko sticks most of the time.
I'd recommend croaps (softer soaps) over hard soaps. I particularly like Strop Shoppe special editions, QCS, and Mystic Water. I have heard great things about Mike's Natural Soaps as well but I have not shaved with those yet as my samples have not arrived.

The reason I recommend croaps is that I find it easier to load the appropriate amount of soap for lathering. I know you can always load more but with face lathering I prefer to get it right before the first pass rather than having to tweak the lather later.
I've got a few soaps that only bowl lather well for me, but everything else face lathers fine. I particularly like Cella, Razorock,Arko, an Klar Kabinett
speick, arko, palmolive sticks. Sticks are definitely made for face lathering. With that said, I've lathered with proraso and col conk pucks just fine. I don't think there is anything that restricts you from using anything for face lathering.
Nuf said.....

any good soap really. I solely face lather and alternate between soaps and creams. Now I built my fan knot brush - TGN finest and now I'm enjoying my shave so much more. Any soap or cream that u like will do. I discovered fan knots are just better for me with face lathering . Decent backbone a must. Loft must be set rght if building your own. 22mm knot at 43-50mm loft is perfect.
Guys.... Which is the best Soap line for face lathering?
You'll get pretty much the same range of answers as asking "Which soap is best?". As always, it varies from person to person. I use the same soaps whether I face or bowl lather: currently only MDC but I used to use DRH and AoS (prior to the recent reformulation) as well. I've had no problems with other soaps though -- just did not prefer them.
i love arko.but i bought one "vitos",this product is made by "tallow" material, incredible lathering,but smell is weak.if you mix tabac smell with vitos soap,would be amazing...
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