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Best Shave of my Life

I just finished up the best shave of my life gents, head and face.

It all started with the standard Sunday hour long hot bath loaded up with a handful of coconut oil, a handful of lanolin, a handful of shea butter, a teaspoon of tea tree oil and a saturation and emulsification of it all with a healthy rub of french benzoine soap (MdC). Took the time to exfoliate my head and face using some Province Sante face scrub and then rubbed in a handful of homemade pre shave (1/3 eshave preshave oil + 1/3 liquid lanolin + 1/3 glycerine) and let it set while i finished up bathing. Rinse and lather by hand HeadBlade shave cream, both head and face leaving the face to soak it up while shaving the head with a HeadBlade using a sensor excel cartridge. One pass ATG BBS head, not a lick of irritation. Hot water rinse by shower.

Out of the bath and onto the face. Apply a healthy dose of Proraso pre shave while whipping up an immensly rich Castle Forbes Lime lather in my homemade scuttle using a Kent BK2. Is there any more elevating of a combination as Proraso pre and CF Lime after a hot bath? I can't believe there is. Spend a good 3 min lathering up over and over the same spots just cause it felt so good and the smell intoxicated me to keep it up. A dab of alum on the fingers and armed by Feather AC with a well used ultra smooth but still quite sharp light blade pulled 2 passes, WTG and XTG. Hot rinses in between and a cleanup ATG with an EJ89 loaded with a new Personna med prep blade. Not a lick of irritation and not a single nick while the razor sucked to my face and left me with what even a baby's butt wish it felt like.

Warm rinse and onto Naturpathia's Clay mask, face and head. Let it set for another hour while drinking an espresso and catching up on email. Another warm rinse and wash using Mysore sandalwood soap. A cotton pad of Thayers unscented followed by a spank of bay rum recently picked up during a cousin's wedding in the bahamas. Slather on a touch of Naturopathia white tea moisturizer and settle into bed for an hour nap.

The best shave of my entire life... life is good my friends... life is very very good!

Those shaves are truly amazing. Every now and then I get a shave so awesome that it leaves me questioning the meaning of life. Congrats on yours.
Definitely left me questioning the meaning of life... now if I can only sort out exactly what in the 300 step process made it great and just do that every time :001_unsur
Now you have to do is recreate it every day for the rest of your life. :smile:

The ultimate man of leisure :thumbup:

I would like to open this thread up to describing in detail your best shave of your life... the products and the process... let's hear it people!
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loaded up with a handful of coconut oil, a handful of lanolin, a handful of shea butter, a teaspoon of tea tree oil and a saturation and emulsification of it all with a healthy rub of french benzoine soap (MdC).
Warm rinse and onto Naturpathia's Clay mask.

Hmm, this interests me greatly:huh:
Sounds REALLY luxurious!

I've simplified my process down to Olive Oil soap face scrub in the shower
followed up with some GFT, Proraso or Mike's, a Feather loaded in my Rocket or Slim,
finish with Floid or Clubman and Acca Kappa Cedar.
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