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Best Scuttle for Rooney Style 3 Size 1 brush?

Looking at the newer G5 or DirtyBird original to go with my new Rooney brush for bowl lathering. Has anyone used either of these 2 scuttles with this exact brush? My main concerns are creating and maintaining warm lather with the least amount of effort.

I am leaning towards the DB original with webbing in high gloss black. Appreciate any opinions.
I have a style 3 size 1 brush . Here is what it looks like , size wise , in a schwarzweiss keramik LK scuttle in black .
I can't comment on the other scuttles but can say that I works well with the LK scuttle and hot lather is never a problem.


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I don't know what you decided but I have that exact brush and use it with a DB 1.5 scuttle. I think I'd find a regular to be too small for my liking, but maybe that's just b/c I'm used to the 1.5.

Badger Bill
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