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Best replacement brush knots

I am beginning the process of rebuilding some of my older brushes and will be looking for new knots. I am aware that TGN no longer carries the English knots so I am looking for advice on who has the best knots. The Chinese knots that he carries look very nice but I am trying to buy less from Chinese sources. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

The hair is coming from China pretty much exclusively...no matter where it may be tied into a knot. GN Chinese knots are excellent...I really like the Finest ones.
The hair is coming from China pretty much exclusively...no matter where it may be tied into a knot. GN Chinese knots are excellent...I really like the Finest ones.

I thought about that Schwert, and was pretty sure that China was the primary source. Oh well, we try to make the effort anyway.

I thought about that Schwert, and was pretty sure that China was the primary source. Oh well, we try to make the effort anyway.


The hair pretty much all comes from China (except maybe for Plisson and Vie-Long), but the knots are tied or glued in various places.

Bernd (of Shavemac) will sell you a knot... won't be cheap. Will be awesome.
I get great knots from Taiwan. That's not China. But, Taiwan is the same as China in the spirit we speak of when we say we want to buy elsewhere from China, isn't it?
I was wondering if the New Forest creator FIDO, also sells knots.

I have quite a few re-knots in progress and would prefer not to have them all be the same knot. Most of the handles are 22mm, so I would like to find an alternative supplier.

I guess I will send him an e-mail.
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