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Best razor polish? Flitz, Maas, or Autosol?

Debating which to get for razors (some gold, which I guess you never polish with anything?) to polish them up. I would prefer to get something nonabrasive, although I suspect that all of the above are at least a tiny bit abrasive.

Which polishes do people recommend as the least abrasive that works well for different metals? Anything gold safe is even better.
I use Maas for all my Razors.... It has the right combination of smoothness & least abrasiveness to bring out the beautiful shine on most every razor I've used it on :a14:
I don't know if its the best or not, but I will say Maas has done a fantastic job on all my razors as well as a couple of brush handles I restored.
I'm a Flitz guy. I've bought razors in "fair" condition that, with enough Flitz and patience, ended up being in "excellent" condition.
I didn't have any razor specific polish, so I used Mother's auto polish - the same that I use on my car... Will that damage the razor?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Autosol, and MAAS are quite abrasive, Flitz probably as well, and I would not use them on anything plated. I use Autosol on straight razor blades with good results.
I'm looking to buy some Maas and there are several types. There is what they call "International Polish", there's creme and liquid. Is it all the same stuff?

I am using it because I hear it does have abrasive qualities. I think I heard 1/10 micron. Using it in progression for buffing razors.

Thanks in advance guys
Stuff that is t abrasive wont polish. Therefore, all polishes are abrasive, to one degree or another.

I like Flitz and I like Simichrome, but I wouldn't use either on a gold-plated razor.

A slightly milder polish is commercial toothpaste.
I use MAAS. Works great on straight razors, non plated metal, plastic, metal, even horn. I use the stuff all over the house actually. I like the scent as well, some of the car based polishes are designed for outdoor use only and will stink up the room.
MAAS also makes a microfiber cloth with rust inhibitor on it which i keep by my case and wipe each razor before i put it away.

Toothpaste works ok for really really light jobs, but remember that it has water in it and no rust inhibitors so it isn't a great choice for carbon steel.
I belong to the "less is more" club.

I use mild soap and warm water and an old soft toothbrush to clean. I then apply a little car wax and buff lightly with a clean and soft cloth.

Seems to do a safe and good job for me.

I keep all of my razors in good condition because I clean them after every shave.
However, they lose their sheen after a while and need an occasional deep clean:

Scrub with neat baby shampoo and a nailbrush, leave to stand for 5-10 minutes
Scrub with a nailbrush and a little hot water, immerse in hot water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with fresh hot water
Scrub with whitening toothpaste and an old toothbrush, rinse with warm water, then buff with a clean, dry towel.
Good as new !!

I've never had to restore a gunked up razor, but from what I've read.....

Never, ever, and I mean never, put stainless/chrome razors in the same soaking solution as gold razors - they go pink !!
If the mechanism is seized up, leave to soak for 30 minutes in a solution of hot water and distilled vinegar - you'll be surprised how much crud comes out of the razor !! Repeat as necessary until the mechanism is freed up.

Soak in hot water with a squirt of "Fairy" washing up liquid until the solution goes cold
Scrub with neat washing up liquid and an old nailbrush
Leave to soak in clean, hot water until it goes cold
Deep clean with shampoo/toothpaste as above
Never Dull. It is a cotton wadding soaked in a polish. Handy and works well.

Gillette used a gold wash with a lacquer shot over it for protection on almost all of their gold razors. Even a mild polish can remove it. Soap and water only.
Meguiar's All Metal Polish, love it. :001_wub:

Being a minimalist, this is the one polish I use for everything metal that I want to polish. I've used it for years, and like all Meguiar's products they keep on improving them all the time. So what you thought was great turns out to be even better on your next purchase.

(You've probably guessed that I'm a Meguiar's auto detailing products fan. :laugh:)
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