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best place to buy Edwin Jagger DE89?

Pricing is about the same wherever you go. Model offerings vary a little from vendor to vendor. You can't beat the service at Bullgoose or West Coast. Good model selection both places also.
soap.com Google for a coupon code. I think you can get a certain amount off and maybe even free shipping if you are a first time buyer.
I would check out the shopping and deals thread, that probably has the information you are looking for.

Mine should be arriving in the post today from soap.com. The code is in a thread in the aforementioned forum topic. The total with tax beat amazon or anyone else by about $10. They stock both the smooth & textured handle models.
I got my DE87 from WCS. Their prices are competitive. You may get a better price on amazon, on certain days, but WCS is my choice do to quicker shipping and more secure packaging.
Purchased mine over a year ago when The English Shaving Company (home of Edwin Jagger) had one of their periodic free shipping deals. Don't remember the actual cost but seem to remember that it was very competitive. Plus I got to receive a package from the U.K.!
Purchased two through Royal Shave. Price was competitive with others. Had to return both due to manufacturing defects (poor plating). Royal shave provided exceptional service. Was very gracious in accepting the returns. Would not hesitate in doing business with them again. With this razor, I would choose a vendor with good customer service over price alone.
Purchased two through Royal Shave. Price was competitive with others. Had to return both due to manufacturing defects (poor plating). Royal shave provided exceptional service. Was very gracious in accepting the returns. Would not hesitate in doing business with them again. With this razor, I would choose a vendor with good customer service over price alone.

Not so good though that 2 out of 2 had defects. I was able to buy mine in person from a barber shop, so had immediate gratification and was able to view and hold the razor prior to purchase.
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Just got one from English shaving company. Free worldwide shipping right now! Get some sea buckthorn cream while you're at it!
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