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Best fungicide?

I have one thats slowly spreading all over my chest. Doc prescribed cream, and it went away, but its back now. Nothing seems to get rid of it for good.
I had similar problem a couple years ago but on my toes. Doctor prescribed cream and it worked but when the tube ran out the problem came back. Instead of paying another $150 for the tube of cream I got some tea tree oil and it cured it for good and only cost me $8 a bottle.

If you do decide to try the tea tree oil make sure it is 100% pure. And it has to be alcohol free. A brand called "Origin" is available at Target. Walmart also has another brand that is good.
If I remember I think 2 or 3 times a day. I put it on a cotton ball straight from the bottle. Do some research on google to see what is recommended. I just winged it and it worked for me. Some say to dilute the tea tree oil. But I didn't. You have to see what works for you.

search something like "tea tree oil fungicide" or something along those lines.
I just read my tea tree oil bottle. It said to not use on rashes or broken skin. I'd probably do some lengthy research before using the tea tree oil for your specific condition. But it did work good on my toes. But "Your mileage may vary" as they say. Good luck!
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What was the diagnosis? Some stuff pretty much needs a prescription strength treatment. Don't mess around with it if it's spreading!
Your chest is an unusual place for a fungal infection. Are you sure it isn't a (severe?) rash? Perhaps a dermatitis of some sort? If a rash, then you may need a steroidal cream, not a fungicide.

There are also prescrip. creams that are a combo of steroid and fungicide which might be worth looking into if it's uncertain what is causing your rash.

To prevent recurance, if it is indeed fungal, the area must be kept as dry as possible at all times. Talc or something similar or zinc oxide (diaper rash cream) should be a big help. If the rash is a dermatitis, then you've got to figure out what is causing it... either your clothing, jewelry (if you wear a pendant, for ex.), or something environmental.
For most fungal infections of the skin, Lamisil is the best over-the-counter cream and it's not even close.

If Lamisil won't cure it, it might not be a fungus.

(I'm an infectious diseases physician.):smile:
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